Tribute To The Angels Analysis

Tribute To The Angels Analysis


Tribute To The Angels is a poem by the American poet, Walt Whitman. It is a tribute to those who have died in battle and serves as a reminder to appreciate life and to cherish those who have given their lives for our freedom.


The theme of the poem is death, remembrance and gratitude. Whitman uses his words to pay tribute to those who have died in battle and to thank them for their selfless sacrifice. He also reminds us to appreciate life and to be thankful for what we have.


The poem is written in free verse, meaning that it follows no specific meter or rhyme scheme. Whitman uses his words to create an emotional and heartfelt tribute to those who have given their lives for our freedom.


Whitman uses vivid imagery and language to describe the angels that have died in battle. He uses words such as “heroic” and “bliss” to emphasize the beauty and courage of those who have sacrificed their lives for us.


Tribute To The Angels is a powerful poem that pays tribute to those who have died in battle and serves as a reminder to be grateful for life and to cherish those who have given their lives for our freedom. Whitman's words are emotive and vivid, creating a lasting image of the heroism and courage of those who have died in battle.

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Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. Arti dan maksud dari "Every journalist owes tribute to the evil one"?

kalo gak salah artinya adalah setiap jurnalis mempunyai beban untuk setiap berita yang mereka publikasikan. perspektif yg berbeda membuat berita terkesan buruk dan menimbulkan konotasi negatif. berita sebaiknya berdasarkan fakta atau kejadian sesungguhnya bukan berita yang d buat untuk sensasi.

quote ini berasal dari jean de la fontaine
(if people get the news wrong based on what they catch from the headline and according to their perspective so they will miss the whole message from the news itself

2. what is the different between in memorial and tribute to ?


As nouns the difference between tribute and memorial

is that tribute is an acknowledgment of gratitude, respect or admiration; an accompanying gift while memorial is a structure, such as a monument, intended to celebrate the memory of a person or event.

maaf jika salah

3. THE ANGELSAllah has created everything whether physical or spiritual beings. The angels are spiritual beings created by Allah. The angels are the creation of Allah, they are not His partners. They are His servants created from light.Because the angels are spiritual beings, they are invisible. The angels always obey the commands of Allah and carry out His orders. There are different angels who are engaged in different duties. Some are engaged In keeping records of all our actions; some others brought the message of God to the prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.). The famous angels constantly occupied in carrying out Allah's order are Gabriel, lzrail, Israfil and Mikael (Michael). Belief in Angels is one of the pillars of Islamic faith. We have to believe in the angels and it is a part of our belief as Moslems. The prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) was given the power to see and to talk with the angel Gabriel.B. Exercise Answer the following questions based on the text! 1. What has Allah created? 2. What were the angels created from? 3. Are the angels visible? 4. What are the duties of angels in general? 5. Who are the famous angels occupying in carrying out Allah’s order? 6. Why do we have to believe in Angels? 7. Who was the person given the power to see and to talk with the angel Gabriel? 8. What does the angel Gabriel do? 9. What must a Muslim do relating to the angels? 10. Is the position of angels equal to God?​




3.karenamalaikat mahklukspirtual

4.beberapa terlibat dalam menyimpan semua cacatan dari semua tindakan kita

5.malaikat Jibril,izrail,israfil dan Mikail

6.iman kepada malaikat adalah salah satu rukun iman pertama

7.nabi Muhammad

8.tidak tahu maaf

9. tidak tahu maaf

10.tidak tahu maaf


B. Exercise

Answer the following questions based on the text!

Allah has created everything (physical or spiritual beings).The angels were created from light.No, they are not. The angels are invisible.The duties of angels in general are to obey the commands of Allah and carry our His orders.The famous angels occupying in carrying out Allah's order are Gabriel, Izrail, Israfil, and Mikael.We have to believe in angels because it is one of the pillars of Islamic faith.The person given the power to see and to talk with the angel Gabriel is the prophet Muhammad ï·ºThe angel Gabriel brought the messages of God to the prophet Muhammad ï·ºWe have to believe them because it is a part of our belief as Moslems.The position of angels is not equal to God. Angels are God's servants.


B. Latihan

Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut berdasarkan teks tersebut.

1. Apa yang telah diciptakan oleh Allah?

⤷ Allah has created everything (physical or spiritual beings).

Allah telah menciptakan segalanya (makhluk fisik atau gaib)Bisa dilihat pada kalimat "Allah has created everything whether physical or spiritual beings."

2. Malaikat diciptakan dari apa?

⤷ The angels were created from light.

Para malaikat diciptakan dari cahayaBisa dilihat pada kalimat "They are His servants created from light."

3. Apakah malaikat kasatmata?

⤷ No, they are not. The angels are invisible.

Tidak. Para malaikat tak kasatmata.Bisa dilihat pada kalimat "Because the angels are spiritual beings, they are invisible."

4. Apa tugas malaikat secara umum?

⤷ The duties of angels in general are to obey the commands of Allah and carry our His orders.

Tugas para malaikat secara umum adalah untuk mematuhi perintah Allah dan menjalankan perintahnya.Bisa dilihat pada kalimat "The angels always obey the commands of Allah and carry out His orders."

5. Siapakah malaikat-malaikat terkenal yang menjalankan perintah Allah?

⤷ The famous angels occupying in carrying out Allah's order are Gabriel, Izrail, Israfil, and Mikael.

Malaikat yang terkenal dalam menjalankan perintah Allah adalah Jibril, Izrail, Israfil, dan Mikail.Bisa dilihat pada kalimat "The famous angels constantly occupied in carrying out Allah's order are Gabriel, lzrail, Israfil and Mikael (Michael)."

6. Mengapa kita harus percaya malaikat?

⤷ We have to believe in angels because it is one of the pillars of Islamic faith.

Kita harus meyakini para malaikat karena itu adalah salah satu rukun iman dalam Islam.Bisa dilihat pada kalimat "Belief in Angels is one of the pillars of Islamic faith."

7. Siapakah orang yang diberi kemampuan untuk melihat dan berbicara dengan malaikat Jibril?

⤷ The person given the power to see and to talk with the angel Gabriel is the prophet Muhammad ï·º

Orang yang diberikan kemampuan untuk melihat dan berbicara dengan malaikat Jibril adalah nabi Muhammad ï·ºBisa dilihat pada kalimat "The prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) was given the power to see and to talk with the angel Gabriel."

8. Apa tugas malaikat Jibril?

⤷ The angel Gabriel brought the messages of God to the prophet Muhammad ï·º

Malaikat Jibril menyampaikan pesan Tuhan kepada nabi Muhammad ï·ºIni adalah pengetahuan tentang agama Islam ya di mana salah satu malaikat yang paling terkenal adalah Jibril, yang ditugaskan untuk menyampaikan wahyu kepada baginda nabi Muhammad ï·º

9. Apa yang harus dilakukan oleh seorang Muslim terkait dengan para malaikat?

⤷ We have to believe them because it is a part of our belief as Moslems.

Kita harus meyakininya karena itu adalah salah satu kepercayaan kita sebagai Muslim.Bisa dilihat pada kalimat "We have to believe in the angels and it is a part of our belief as Moslems."

10. Apakah kedudukan malaikat setara dengan Tuhan?

⤷ The position of angels is not equal to God. Angels are God's servants.

Kedudukan malaikat tidak setara dengan Tuhan. Malaikat adalah pelayan/hamba Tuhan.Bisa dilihat pada kalimat "The angels are the creation of Allah, they arenot His partners. They are His servants created from light."

4. calculate the size of the lettered angels​


sudut keseluruhan = 180°


a° = 180° - 116°

a° = 64°

Sehingga, besar sudut a ialah 64°

Semoga bermanfaat

5. error analysis. correct the errors

1. Yoko lives in Japan
2. Ann usually come to class on time
3. Peter uses his cell phone often
4. Amy carries a notebook computer to work every day
5. She enjoys her job
6. I don't know Joe
7. Mike doesn't like milk. He never drinks it.
8. Tina doesn't speak Chinese. She speaks Spanish.
9. Are you a student?
10. Does your roommate sleep with the window open?
11. Yes, I do.
12. Where do your parents live?
13. What time is your English class begin?
14. Olga doesn't need a car. She has a bicycle.
15. Does Pablo do his homework every day?

Semoga benar yaaa1. Yoko lives in japan
2. Ann usually comes to class on time
3. Peter often uses his cellphone 
4. Amy carries a notebook computer to work everyday
5. She enjoys her job
6. I don't know joe
7. Mike doesn't like milk. He never drinks it
8. Tina doesn't speak chinese. She speaks spanish
9. Are you a student??
10. Does your roommate sleeps with the window open??
11. B: Yes, i do 
12. Where do your parents live??
13. When will your english class begins??
14. Olga doesn't need a car. She has a bicycle
15. Do pablo does his homework everyday??

6. 3. One day, when the people assigned to collecttribute to Aji Tatin were riding the boatThe underlined word above has the samemeaning with ....apaymentd. appraisalb. praiseachievmenthatrede.C.​



3. Suatu hari, ketika orang-orang yang ditugaskan untuk mengumpulkan

penghormatan kepada Aji Tatin sedang naik perahu

Kata yang digarisbawahi di atas memiliki kesamaan

artinya dengan ....



d. penilaian

b. memuji






7. Your new job is "something" to celebrate. The word in the quotation mark is closest meaning toa. rejoiceb. Publicizec. Tributed. Dedicate​


B.publicize √ (artinya:mempublikasikan)


semoga membantu (brainliest plss hehe)




8. Your new job is something to celebrate? the underlined word is closest in meaning to .... *10 pointributerejoicededicatepublicize ​

Underline nya mana?…

9. who will probaly join the student tribute for theacers?​


The Student, the parents and the teachers

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

10. arti bahasa indonesia dari the ceremony in rememberance of our founding fathers and mothers.... in the training field. ceremony was a tribute to them

upacara dalam rangka mengingat bapak dan ibu pendiri.... di bidang pelatihan, Upacara untuk memberikan penghargaan pada mereka

maaf kalau salah
semoga membantu

11. " Honor of Anna Brown..." the word "honor" is closest in meaning toa. tribute b. dishonor c. ridiculed. disgrance​





yang terhormat atau yg dihormati

12. analysis the scarlet letter​

suara merah tua itu analisa

13. Tolong di bantu yah secepatnya kaka kaka.. THE ANGELS Allah has created everything whether physical or spiritual beings. The angels are spiritual beings created by Allah. The angels are the creation of Allah, they are not His partners. They are His servants created from light. Because the angels are spiritual beings, they are invisible. The angels always obey the commands of Allah and carry out His orders. There are different angels who are engaged in different duties. Some are engaged in keeping records of all our actions; some others brought the message of God to the prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.). The famous angels constantly occupied in carrying out Allah's order are Gabriel, lzrail, Israfil and Mikael (Michael). Belief in Angels is one of the pillars of Islamic faith. We have to believe in the angels and it is a part of our belief as Moslems. The prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) was given the power to see and to talk with the angel Gabriel. Answer the following questions based on the text! 1. What has Allah created? 2. What was the angels created from? 3. Are the angels visible? 4. What are the duties of angels in general? 5. Who are the famous angels occupying in carrying out Allah’s order?


1. Allah has created everything with the physical or spiritual Beings .

2. the Angle was created from light .

3.yes , they are

4.There are different angels who are engaged in different duties. Some are engaged in keeping records of all our actions; some others brought the message of God to the prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.).

5.The famous angels constantly occupied in carrying out Allah's order are Gabriel, lzrail, Israfil and Mikael (Michael) .


semoga membantu


14. what the meaning is tribute,agree and smile to Indonesia?Answer:tolong bntu kak​






di terjermahkan kan?

maaf kalau salah

15. analysis poem hymn to gold the father by john donne

Kelas: SMP
Pelajaran: English
Kategori: poem analysis

'Hymn to God the Father' by John Donne main tells about the speaker's intention and concern in repenting or making confession on his sins. He realised that he had done so many sins that he thought the God would not forgive him. It is obviously shown at the beginning of each stanza with the phrase ' Will thou forgive me....' yang sama dengan ' will you forgive me...'.

16. Answer the question below about angels


k = 123

dikurang dengan siku2 atau 90 lalu hasilnya.. dikurang lagi dengan 180 atau bepelurus.. hasilnya 123



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

90° + 33° = 123°

lebih jelasnya lihat gambar

semoga membantu :)

17. 5. what does the Angels Gabriel do?​


Gabriel is said to be the archangel responsible for transmitting God's revelations to all prophets, including revealing the Quran to Muhammad and inducing him to recite it. Various hadiths (traditions) mention his role in delivering messages from "God the Almighty" to the prophets.

semoga membantu. jika ada kesalahan mohon maff. :)

18. error analysis from the sentence. i plan respond to miss cahaya's email letter today

I plan to respond to Miss Cahaya's email letter today.

Semoga membantu jangan lupa follow akun ini dan akun Instagrm @brycias dan jadikan jawaban ini brainliest answer ya

19. The underlined Word angels​


angels = malaikat = saint & seraph


Bawah dilapisi kata malaikat

20. correct the errors (error analysis)

1) Yoko lives in Japan
5) She enjoys her job
6) I don't know Joe
7) Mike doesn't like milk. He never drinks it
8) Tina doesn't speak Chinese. She speaks Spanish
9) Are you a student?