Blood Types Worksheet Answer Key

Blood Types Worksheet Answer Key

What is a Blood Type?

A blood type is a classification of blood based on the presence or absence of certain antigens on the surface of red blood cells. The antigens determine which type of blood a person has and what type they can receive.

What are the Major Blood Types?

The four major blood types are A, B, AB, and O. Each type is determined by the presence or absence of certain antigens on the surface of red blood cells.

What are the Rh Factors?

The Rh factor is determined by the presence or absence of a protein on the surface of red blood cells. If the protein is present, the person is Rh positive; if the protein is absent, the person is Rh negative.

What is a Universal Donor?

A universal donor is a person who has type O- blood, which can be safely transfused to any other blood type.

What is a Universal Recipient?

A universal recipient is a person who has type AB+ blood, which can safely receive blood from any other blood type.

What is a Compatible Donor-Recipient Combination?

A compatible donor-recipient combination is a pair of people who have compatible blood types, meaning that the donor’s blood can safely be transfused to the recipient. The most compatible donor-recipient combination is type O- to type AB+.

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13. Blood comes from plasma. It has tiny blood.....there are two blood types-red blood cells and........ blood cells.the redblood are to carry.......... around your body.the white ones fight.........blood also clot when you eat your,eat have many cells

jawaban saya

1) types ( liat di Kalimat kedua " there are two blood types ( ada dua macam darah)

2) White ( liat di Kalimati ke empat "the white one ( jenis darah yang putihnya)"

3) oxygen ( pada kalimat ini menjelaskan bahwa fungsi darah merah membawa oksigen ke seluruh tubuh)

4) virus in the blood/ melawan virus dalam darah

5) cells ( liat ke ajuran yang dipaparkan di kalimat berikutnya)

6) food ( pada kalimat ini berisi anjuran untuk makan makanan sehat untuk mempunyai banyak sel)

14. workbook adalah ? worksheet adalah ? apa hubungan antara workbook dan worksheet ?

workbook adalah buku kerja dalam microsoft excel yg merupakan keseluruhan dari tampilan awal excel.
worksheet adalah lembar kerja dalam microsoft excel yg terdiri atas sejumlah kolom dan baris- Workbook adalah buku kerja dari Microsoft Office Excel
- Worksheet adalah lembar kerja dari Microsoft Office Excel
- Hubungan: Didalam Workbook terdapat Worksheet

Semoga Membantu!

15. jelaskan cara memindahkan worksheet ke worksheet lain ?

tinggal di pindah lalu paste ke tmpt kmu tuju

16. Chinese TMKPlease give me 4 types of answer for this question please​




17. 1. What is the function of blood?Answer:.. 2. How many calories can be burnt by doing the blood donor? Answer: 3. Where is the location of the red blood cells production? Answer:.. *** 4. Giving blood regularly reduces the amount of iron in the bloodstream. Who said that? Answer: 5. Mention causes of the blood loss in the human Answer:​


1.Blood is needed to keep us alive. It brings oxygen and nutrients to all the parts of the body so they can keep working. Blood carries carbon dioxide and other waste materials to the lungs, kidneys, and digestive system to be removed from the body. Blood also fights infections, and carries hormones around the body.

2. According to the University of California, San Diego, you can burn approximately 650 calories per donation of one pint of blood.

3. Red blood cells are formed in the red bone marrow of bones.

4. (I don't really know sorry... I think it's WHO) WHO


hemophilia. leukemia. liver disease. menorrhagia, heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding, like what's sometimes seen in endometriosis. thrombocytopenia, low blood platelet count. von Willebrand disease. vitamin K deficiency. brain trauma.etc


18. Not all humans have the same type of blood. in different types of blood, certain antibodies and antigens may or may not be present. there are different systems for classifying blood, and one of the systems is the abo system. in this system, a person’s blood is classified as either type a, type b, type ab, or type o. the purpose of this system is to describe which types of blood are compatible. this means which types of blood can be taken from or given to a person. there are three principles that govern which types of blood are compatible.


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pernyataan evaluatif terhadap objek, orang atau peristiwa. ini yng bhs inggris (Evaluative statements on objects, people or events)


maaf jika salah

20. how many types of blood vessels in the body and differentiate their characteristics?

thwre are 3 types of blood vessels in our body.
1. veins: it carries blood back to our heart,
2. arteries: it carries blood away from our heart,
3. capillaries: the smallest blood vesselsleukosit : bentuk tidak teratur, bisa menembus organ2 di dalam tubuh
Eritrosit : tidak berinti, mempunyai Hb
Trombosit :bentuk tak beraturan, tak berinti, berukuran lebih kecil dari eritrosit