Select The Item That Does Not Belong

Select The Item That Does Not Belong is a type of question used to test comprehension and problem-solving skills. It requires the student to compare items and identify the one that is not related to the others. For example: **Which** of the following does not belong: pencil, eraser, paperclip, ruler? The answer would be paperclip, since the other items are all used for writing and drawing.

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Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. Cross the world that does not belong in each groub​


Seberangi dunia yang bukan milik setiap kelompok

Itu artinya ya



melintasi dunia yang tidak termasuk dalam setiap kelompok


that's what it means

2. Choose the option that does not belong to the group decrease rise reduce fall


pilih opsi yang bukan milik grup,turun, naik, turun, turun.



semoga membantu

4. cross the word which does not belong to each group


silangkan kata yang bukan milik masing-masing kelompok


5. change the sentences accordinh the instruction.1. perhaps the car does not belong to them (may)

perhaps the car may not belong to themthe car may not belong to them.
maybe the car does not belong to them

(yg atas kayaknya)

6. odd man out.Cross the objects that do not belong in the groups.

1. broom
2. flower
3. sink
4. fridge
5. bookcase
6. cup
7. toothpaste
8. sink
9. tub
10. bolster

7. f.odd man out cross the objects that do not belong in the groups

makanan manusia keluar melintasi benda-benda yang tidak termasuk dalam kelompok

8. does the shirt belong to your father ? no he does not the .... to my uncle tolong di jawab​


does the shirt belong to your father ? no he does not the have a shirt


artinya: apakah kemeja itu milik ayahmu? tidak, dia tidak memiliki kemeja



does the shirt belong to your father? no he does not, the shirt belong to my uncle


arti: apakah baju itu milik ayahmu? tidak baju itu milik pamanku

9. There is one sentence in each of the following paragraph that does not contribute to the main idea. It does not belong in the four (4) paragraphs. Write the sentence that should be removed from each paragraph on your answer booklet. ​


you kon ol


maaf kalo salah

10. which one of the following things does not belong to vegetables?

yang mana dari hal-hal berikut ini tidak termasuk sayuran?yang mana dari hal-hal berikut ini tidak termasuk sayuran?

11. Which of the following does not belong to the Four Basic Sentence?Select one:a. Simpleb. Imperativec. Compoundd. Complex​


Manakah dari berikut ini yang tidak termasuk dalam Empat Kalimat Dasar?

Pilih satu:

Sebuah. Sederhana

b. Imperatif

c. Senyawa

d. Kompleks

Yang terbaik dari semua hal yang dipertimbangkan:



maaf kalo salah semoga membantu kamu ya

12. There is one sentence in each of the following paragraph that does not contribute to the main idea. It does not belong in the four (4) paragraphs. Write the sentence that should be removed from each paragraph on your answer booklet.​


There is one sentence in each of the following paragraph that does not contribute to the main idea. It does not belong in the four (4) paragraphs. Write the sentence that should be removed from each paragraph on your answer booklet.

13. which one does not belong to news item text??? a.sources. b.issue c.event. d.background. e.give information

D. BackGround

# I Hope It Help's!!!!!!!!(d) background does not belong to news item text

14. Which word does not belong to the group? Penalty/goal/first half/pool

Maaf jika salah

15. 3. Cross out the words that do not belong or relate to the categories below. (NB: There may be more than one word in each category that does not belong.)PERHATIKAN BAIK BAIK SOAL YANG DI FOTOKALAU GA BISA JAWAB JANGAN KOMEN BUAT CUMA NAMBAH POINT​


General Knowledge:

A. Containers for wine:


B. Parts of a wine bottle opener:


C. Measurements:



Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran General Knowledge (pengetahuan umum) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Kata-kata pada jawaban di atas adalah yang bukan bagian dari kategori yang disebutkan.

A. Containers for wine:

Bowl: karena mangkuk bukanlah wadah yang biasa digunakan untuk mengkonsumsi minuman wine (anggur)

B. Parts of a wine bottle opener:

Label: karena label adalah bagian dari botol wine, bukan bagian dari alat pembuka botol tersebutCork: karena cork adalah bagian dari penutup botol wine, bukan bagian dari alat pembuka botol tersebut

C. Measurements:

Top: karena kata top artinya puncak, jadi tidak termasuk bagian dari pengukuran

Semoga membantu ya.

16. Which of the following does not belong to the basic components of English wordsSelect one:a. Part of Speechb. Syntaxc. Nound. Inflection​


IT is syntax


I Hope its helpful

17. The word does not belong to group is…. A.TURN B.BURN. C.WARN. D.DURN




semoga membaantu :)


D. durn

maaf kalau salah, semoga membantu !

18. odd man out.Cross the objects that do not belong in the groups.

Sebenarnya ini mudah, tinggal dicari mana kata yang tidak berhubungan dengan kata lainnya.
1. Broom (sisanya alat makan)
2. Flower (sisanya alat dapur)
3. Sink
4. Fridge

Silahkan dilanjutkan :)

19. which one of the following expressions does not belong to a suggestion?

Have you considered taking that job-offer?

20. which of the following does not belong to the requirements of the candidate

what following??
theres no any option