L c m Of 8 And 10

Introduction to LCM of 8 and 10

What is LCM?

The Least Common Multiple (LCM) is the smallest positive number that is a multiple of two or more given numbers. It is the smallest positive number that is divisible by all of the given numbers.

How to Calculate LCM?

The most common way to calculate the LCM of two or more numbers is to first list the prime factors of each number. Then, multiply each factor the greatest number of times it appears in either number. The resulting product is the LCM.

Example of LCM of 8 and 10

To find the LCM of 8 and 10, we list the prime factors of each number: 8 = 2 x 2 x 2 = 23 10 = 2 x 5 = 2 x 5 The LCM is the product of the prime factors of both numbers, each multiplied by the greatest number of times it appears in either number: LCM = 23 x 5 = 80


In conclusion, the LCM of 8 and 10 is 80.

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Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. arrage the following letters to form meaning word based on their definitions.begin the words with the letters in kapital.1)e-i-u-R-d-n:destroyed or severely damaged.2)t-a-S-r-e-d-n-d:left (s ship ,fiah,etc).agrround or ashore.3)a-t-n-o-F-g-i-l: not fixed permanently in one particular position or place. 4)t-r-i-E-e-c-l-a-c-l: related to electricity. i-M-o-r-a-m-l-e: preserving the memory of a person or thing.7)a-n-o-p-r-a-a-m: an unobstructed and wide view of an extensive area in all directions.8)o-c-u-B-l-i-n-r-a-s: an instrument to see objectts in the distance cleraly.9)w-r-o-P-e-a-n-l-p-t:a plant or building used for generating power ,such as electric power.10)e-n-i-t-R-s-e-i-l-a-d:(of an area of a town )suitable for living in,consisting of houses rather than factories or offices

1. Ruined 
2. stranded 
3. Floating 
4. Electricity 
5. Memorial 
7. (gatau mana huruf kapitalnya) 
9. Powerplant 
10. Residental 

semoga dapat membantu yaa 

2. arrage the following letters to form meaning word based on their definitions.begin the words with the letters in kapital.1)e-i-u-R-d-n:destroyed or severely damaged.2)t-a-S-r-e-d-n-d:left (s ship ,fiah,etc).agrround or ashore.3)a-t-n-o-F-g-i-l: not fixed permanently in one particular position or place. 4)t-r-i-E-e-c-l-a-c-l: related to electricity. i-M-o-r-a-m-l-e: preserving the memory of a person or thing.7)a-n-o-p-r-a-a-m: an unobstructed and wide view of an extensive area in all directions.8)o-c-u-B-l-i-n-r-a-s: an instrument to see objectts in the distance cleraly.9)w-r-o-P-e-a-n-l-p-t:a plant or building used for generating power ,such as electric power.10)e-n-i-t-R-s-e-i-l-a-d:(of an area of a town )suitable for living in,consisting of houses rather than factories or offices

1)Ruined:destroyed or severely damaged.
4)Electrical: related to electricity.
7)Panorama: an unobstructed and wide view of an extensive area in all directions.
8)Binoculars: an instrument to see objectts in the distance cleraly.
9)Powerplant:a plant or building used for generating power ,such as electric power.
10)Residential:(of an area of a town )suitable for living in,consisting of houses rather than factories or offices

3. Match the words in column A with their meaning in column B A. 1. resort (......) 2. weekend (......) 3. excellent (.....) 4. trip (....) 5. natural (....) 6. famous (....) 7. amazing (....) 8. heat (....) 9. humidity (....) 10. recreation (.....) 11. freshness (....) 12. quality (....) 13. interesting (....) 14. favorite (....) 15. produced (....) B. a. to make or create something b. preferred or most liked c. arrousing curiosity, attracting, or holding attention d. the general standard or grade of something e. the end of the week f. a place tht is popular for recreation and vacations g. extremely good: of a very high quality or standard h. relating to nature i. a journey of relatively short duration, especially to a place and back again j. recently harvested or made and showing no sign of staleness or decay k. the refreshment of the mind and body after work l. relating to, involving, or characteristic of human beings m. the perceptible or measurable degree of hotness n. so extraordinary or wonderful o. known and recognized by many people

quality (g)
trip (k)
famous (o)
maaf kalo slah

1 - f
2 - e
3 - g
4 - i
5 - h
6 - o
7 - n
8 - m
9 - l
10 - a
11 - k
12 - d
13 - c
14 - b
15 - j

4. Harry Potter Harry Potter (1) was an orphan. He (2) ________ small, thin and with glasses. He (3) _________ with his uncle, aunt and a cousin named Dudley. Harry (4) _______ a scar on his forehead. It (5) ________ a lighting bolt. ​ ​Harry Potter (6) ________ actually a wizard but he didn’t know that. He (7) _________ about it on his 11th birthday. He (8) _______ letters from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry learnt that his parents did not die in a car accident. They (9) _________ because Voldemort, the Lord of Darkness, (10) _________ them. Harry (11) _________ his uncle’s house and (12) _________ a new life in Hogwarts. He (13) __________ year after year studying in Hogwarts. Living in Hogwarts (14) _________ Harry because he (15) __________ many things there. He learnt about being a wizard, friendship, loyalty, fear and courage. Most of all he learnt about his past and future, his family and his destiny. a. Have b. Know c. Leave d. Start e. Look like f. Die g. Spend h. Live i. Be j. Receive k. Be l. Change m. Be n. Learn o. Kill



Harry Potter (1) was an orphan. He (2) was small, thin and with glasses. He (3) lived with his uncle, aunt and a cousin named Dudley. Harry (4) had a scar on his forehead. It (5) looked like a lighting bolt.

​Harry Potter (6) was actually a wizard but he didn’t know that. He (7) knew about it on his 11th birthday. He (8) received letters from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry learnt that his parents did not die in a car accident. They (9) died because Voldemort, the Lord of Darkness, (10) killed them.

Harry (11) left his uncle’s house and (12) started a new life in Hogwarts. He (13) spent year after year studying in Hogwarts. Living in Hogwarts (14) changed Harry because he (15) learned many things there. He learnt about being a wizard, friendship, loyalty, fear and courage. Most of all he learnt about his past and future, his family and his destiny.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan semua kata kerja menggunakan bentuk kata kerja ke-2 (Verb-2) karena kisah Harry Potter dianggap terjadi di masa lampau dalam Bahasa Inggris.


1. was karena Harry Potter adalah seorang yatim piatu

2. was karena Harry Potter badannya kecil dan kurus berkacamata

3. lived karena Harry Potter tinggal dengan pamannya

4. had karena Harry Potter memiliki luka di keningnya

5. looked like karena bekas lukanya terlihat seperti petir

6. was karena Harry Potter sebenarnya adalah seorang penyihir

7. knew karena Harry Potter mengetahui dia penyihir di ultahnya ke-11

8. received karena Harry Potter dpt surat dari sekolah sihir Hogwarts

9. died karena kedua orang tua Harry Potter meninggal dunia

10. killed karena Voldemort membunuh kedua orang tua Harry Potter

11. left karena Harry Potter meninggalkan rumah pamannya

12. started karena di sanalah Harry Potter memulai hidup barunya

13. spent karena Harry Potter menghabiskan waktunya tahun demi tahun di Hogwarts

14. changed karena tinggal di Hogwartz merubah diri Harry Potter

15. learned karena Harry Potter banyak belajar  tentang dunia sihir, persahabatan, ketakutan, kesetiaan dan keberanian di sekolah sihir Hogwarts

Semoga membantu ya.

5. A. READ THE TEXT CAREFULLY ATTENTION ! Tomorrow we'll be working in the lab. Please prepare : * 2 kinds of leaves * 2 kinds of flowers * any kind of root * biology book and workbook Go straight to the lab. Thanks Mr. RendraQUESTIONS1. The text is ------- A. an advertisement B. a warning C. an investigation D. an announcement2. It is for -------- A. the principal B. the Biology teacher C. the students D. the English teacher3. The Biology teacher asks the students not to ------- A. bring leaves and flowers B. go to the lab C. bring biology book D. wait the teacher in the classroom4. The students will be working in the lab --------- A. tomorrow B. after school C. in the class D. now5. Mr. Rendra is a ----- teacher. A. sports B. economics C. Math D. biologyB. FIND TEN WORDS F O R W I N D E S T O M A S C U H B U L L R E H K M A E N A D Q P A F T N T K T S M E D S L G G S T W R A P D U L L Z A B T Y A R I R U Y C A P R E P A R E O H T K J O I N S B L U S C U T O U T A F Z NO. WORDS MEANS 1. FOLD ------- 2. ----- ------- 3. ----- ------- 4. ----- ------- 5. ----- ------- 6. ------ ------- 7. ------- ------- 8. ------- ------- 9. ------- -------- 10. -------- -------PLISSSS BSOK MAU DIKUMPULKAN ​


1. D

2. C

3. D

4. A

5. D

6. maaf.. saya lemah di jumble:)




6. dipasangkan dengan sinonim nya 1.hit by lightning 2. a meet and greet event 3.excited 4. lobby 5. memorabilia 6. showed up 7. waved 8. crowd 9.sang along 10. autograph 11. speechless 12. unreal 13. cool/awesome 14. friendly 15. nervous 16, amazing a. waiting room b. come or arrive c. sing together d. get along e. fan meeting f. merchandise g. wonderful i. signature j. great k. surprised l. anxious m. very happy n. unbelieveable o. can't say a word p. a lot of people

1. k
2. e
3. m
4. a
5. f
6. b
8. p
9. c
10. i
11. o
12. n
13. j
14. d
15. l
16. g

7. Column A 1. I have toothache. I ... to the dentist 2. If you want to be healthy, you ... lots of vegetables 3. You are sick. You ... have rest. 4. You ... watch so much TV. 5. You ... your mother to do housework. 6. We ... and talk very loudly in the class. We ... our classroom clean and tidy. 8 We ... litter 9. We ... the garbage on the garbage bin. 10. We ... and draw anything on the desks and on the walls. Column B A. must B. must not C. must go D. must put E must keep F. must not chat G. must not write H should I should not J. should eat K should help L. should drink M. should not drink N suggestion 0. obligation​


1) I have toothache. I mustgo(C)to the dentist

2 If you want tobe health, you shouldeat(J)

3) You are sick. You musthave rest

4) You shouldnot(I)watch so much TV

5) You shouldhelp(K)your mother to do housework

6) We mustnotchat(F)and talk very loudly in the class

7) We mustkeep(E)our classroom clean and tidy

8) We ... litter?

9) We mustput(D)the garbage on the garbage bin

10) We mustnotwrite(G)and draw anything on desks and on the walls


Haii, bisa tulis ulang soal no. 8? atau memang seperti itu? maaf saya kurang paham

PS: lain kali diberi jarak yaa, agar lebih mudah dibaca:))

Semoga membantu..

8. dialogue for number 8--10Bobby : Mawan, let' s go to school erly tomorrow, sowe can study together before the English test. Mawan : l' m sorry Bobby, l cant' .l help my mom open her food stall before l go to school Bobby: Do you always help your mother every morning Mawan : Yes, l do. l always my my mother whenever l can Bobby: That's great. You are a helpful son. Mawan: Thanks. Hey, let' s study together this afternoon. We don' need to wait until tomorrow, ringht? Bobby: Yes , sure. That's a good idea.l ll go to your house at 4 o'clock Mawan : All ringht,l' ll wait for your coming 8) who are they in the dialogue? a) mawan and his motherb) Bobby and mawanc) Bobby and his motherd) mawan, Bobby and his mother9) what test will they have tomorrow?a) physicb) Mathc) Englishd) social knowledge10. what do mawan do before he goes to school every morning? a ) He prepares his little' s sister schoolscheduleb) He opens his mom's food stallc) He cooks some delicious food for his familyd) He stands in front of his morher ' s stall​


1. b

2. c

3. b

(semoga membantu ya)

9. match the words in columm A. with the words in columm.B so that A they show a relationship Kolam bagian A. 1.drunkennes = 2.accidents =3. air pullution =4.unemployment =5.dispute=6.malaria=7.mental stress =8.heavy rain and strong wids=9.flood =10.drought11.juvenile delinquency =12.Deafness=13.global warming = Bagian kolom B. A loud noise=b. unsolved =c. deforestation =d. ozone depletion =e. lack of rain for a long time=f. icy condition=g. broken home =h. mosquito bite i vehicle and manufacturing emissions =j. economic crisis k.too much alcohol =l. careless driving =m. misunderstanding. =​

The exercise above has slight mistake in the instruction. Those two sets of vocabulary shall be combined to show cause-and-effect not relationship as it does not collocate that way.


Here are the answers which shows the cause-and-effect situation.

drunkenness - too much alchohol.accidents - careless drivingair pollution - vehicle and manufactoring emissionunemployement - economic crisisdispute - misunderstandingmalaria - mosquito bitemental stress - broken homeheavy rain/ strong winds - icy conditionflood - deforestrationdrought - lack of rain for a long timejuvenile deliquency - unsolveddefaness - loud noiseglobal warming - ozone layer depletion

Ideally those combined vocabulary shall be best connected by the connetors such as therefore, thus, as a result, consequently, because of, due to, because, as, since etc.

Here are the example:

- He intensively and constant used to listen to loud noise. Therefore, he suffers deafness.

- the dispute emerges as there is a misunderstanding.

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Materi tentang cause and effecf.




Detil jawaban:

Kelas : SMP

Mapel: English

Kategori: clause of reason, purpose



10. I Have a pet its name kenari is male canary bird is originally from canary island africa my pet beautiful fcathers he flies fats and maskes clear melodius voice I got kenari as my birthday present from my parents I feed him Theree times a week and l always clen his cage every birthday present I feed him Theree times a week and I always clen his cage ever Saturday Last week registerd kenari for a competition in the park ner my hause Before that l had trained kenari for sever weeks at home so he could sing beautifully at the end of that day he became the runner up I m realy proud kenari Answer these questions correctly 1. what is kenari2.where does kenari come from 3. how many does the writer feed is pet 4.what does look like kenari 5. before that, l had trained...... " ( paragraph 3) what does the world “l“ refer to complete these dialogs whit the utterance provided6. Adi: can you climb that coconut tree sultan: No l ca te .... 7. Novi: can you help me to translate thit Engelis text into Indonesiatata: l m sorry .. 8. marni : can you operate the computer Bunga : ......9. mila : can you play the guitar now Andini : ......10. Raya : teguh can you come to my birhday patyteguh : ....{ a.certainly b. yes, l can c. No l can t d. l, m afraid of the height e. l don t have dictionary f. l, m not sure but l, ll try it. ​


1. a male canary bird

2. from Canary Island, Africa

3. three times a week

4. it has beautiful feathers, flies fast and makes clear melodious voice

5. the writer

6. d. im afraid of heights

7. e. i don't have a dictionary

8. f. I'm not sure but I'll try it

9. b. yes i can

10. a. certainly

11. *Birds Of Paradise*The birds of paradise are a group of birds that belong to the family Paradisaaeidae and order Passeriformes. They can be ...1.. in the tropical rainforest in Eastern Indonesia, Papua. and Eastern Australia. There are 42 ..(2..). in the family. They are omnivorous, they diet fruits. but they also ..(3).. arthropods in amount.They have more ...(4). one color on their body. Their ..(5)..can be yellow, blue or black. The fur around their beak is either ...(6)... The fur on their wings are also ..(7).. color, such as brown, black , red, blue, also yellow. Their ..(8) .. is very long and soft. Each species has a different body measurement. The ..(9).. of them can only reach size 15 cm with the weight of 50 gr, whlie the ..(10).. 110 cm and 430 gr. Mostly , the male have longer ..(11) .. the female. They can ..(12) .. up to 5 or 8 years.*The choises*a. tail. b. species.c. smallest.d. live.e. found.f. various colour.g. beak.h. largest.i. than.j. green or black.k. consume.l. color.m. feet.​


1. e. found

2. b. species

3. k. consume

4. l. color

5. g. beak

6. j. green or black

7. f. various color

8. a. tail

9. c. smallest

10. h. largest

11. i. than

12. d. live

12. dipasangkan dengan sinonim nya 1.hit by lightning 2. a meet and greet event 3.excited 4. lobby 5. memorabilia 6. showed up 7. waved 8. crowd 9.sang along 10. autograph 11. speechless 12. unreal 13. cool/awesome 14. friendly 15. nervous 16, amazing a. waiting room b. come or arrive c. sing together d. get along e. fan meeting f. merchandise g. wonderful i. signature j. great k. surprised l. anxious m. very happy n. unbelieveable o. can't say a word p. a lot of people

2 = e
6 = b
8 = p
9 = c
11 = o
10 = i

13. Tolong di pasangkan ya 1.hit by lightning 2. a meet and greet event 3.excited 4. lobby 5. memorabilia 6. showed up 7. waved 8. crowd 9.sang along 10. autograph 11. speechless 12. unreal 13. cool/awesome 14. friendly 15. nervous 16. amazing a. waiting room b. come or arrive c. sing together d. get along e. fan meeting f. merchandise g. wonderful i. signature j. great k. surprised l. anxious m. very happy n. unbelieveable o. can't say a word p. a lot of people

1- k

14. Chose correct word in the box below to fill in the blanks! Ancient, Increase, Environment, Urban Revolution, Tradition, Existence, Society, Survive, Capitalism, Modernity 1. We must rescue the from _____ pollution. 2. Racial discrimination sull exists in moden ____. 3. In 1901 the population was 2,649,522, showing an _____ of 11% in the decade.4. He does not believe in the _____ of ghosts. 5. Black pearl earring is an interesting combination of ____ and elegance. 6. He did his doctoral thesis on the marriage customs of slaves living in ____ Rome. 7. it's an American _____ to make a wish on your birthday. 8. The principles ___ of and socialism are diametrically opposed 9. The culture of the village change because of _____.10. She definitely didn't know how to ____ in the forest. Arrange the letters become perfect word! 1. T-N-E-A-N-C-I2. E-S-U-V-R-I-V3. M-A-C-A-T-I-S-I-L-P4. A-R-T-I-T-D-O-N-I5. C-E-R-E-A-S-N-I​


1. Environment

2. Society

3. Increase

4. Existence

5. Ancient

6. Urban revolution

7. Tradition

8. Capitalism

9. Modernity

10. Survive

1. Ancient

2. Survive

3. Capitalism

4. Tradition

5. Increase


so sorry kl msi ada yg salah, but hope it helps yaa. jgn lupa jadiin jawaban terbaik!

15. .hit by lightning 2. a meet and greet event 3.excited 4. lobby 5. memorabilia 6. showed up 7. waved 8. crowd 9.sang along 10. autograph 11. speechless 12. unreal 13. cool/awesome 14. friendly 15. nervous 16, amazing a. waiting room b. come or arrive c. sing together d. get along e. fan meeting f. merchandise g. wonderful i. signature j. great k. surprised l. anxious m. very happy n. unbelieveable o. can't say a word p. a lot of people


sisanya saya kurang yakin maaf ya

16. I Have a pet its name kenari is male canary bird is originally from canary island africa my pet beautiful fcathers he flies fats and maskes clear melodius voice I got kenari as my birthday present from my parents I feed him Theree times a week and l always clen his cage every birthday present I feed him Theree times a week and I always clen his cage ever Saturday Last week registerd kenari for a competition in the park ner my hause Before that l had trained kenari for sever weeks at home so he could sing beautifully at the end of that day he became the runner up I m realy proud kenari Answer these questions correctly 1. what is kenari2.where does kenari come from 3. how many does the writer feed is pet 4.what does look like kenari 5. before that, l had trained...... " ( paragraph 3) what does the world “l“ refer to complete these dialogs whit the utterance provided6. Adi: can you climb that coconut tree sultan: No l ca te .... 7. Novi: can you help me to translate thit Engelis text into Indonesiatata: l m sorry .. 8. marni : can you operate the computer Bunga : ......9. mila : can you play the guitar now Andini : ......10. Raya : teguh can you come to my birhday patyteguh : ....{ a.certainly b. yes, l can c. No l can t d. l, m afraid of the height e. l don t have dictionary f. l, m not sure but l, ll try it. ​tolong di jawab ya kk soalnya besok di kumpulin pils ya kk​


1. writer pet

2.canary island africa

3. three time a week

4. pet beautiful fcathers he flies fats and maskes clear melodius voice

5. writer


maaf cuma w bantu jawab soal 1-5 doang

17. . Match the following fields and the information needed!1. (…) First name 6. (…) Postcode 11. (…) Marital Status2. (…) Last name 7. (…) Phone 12. (…) Occupation3. (…) Address 8. (…) Email 13. (…) Height4. (…) City 9. (…) Gender 14. (…) Weight5. (…) State 10. (…) Place, date of birth 15. (…) Hobbiesa. Permatasari f. 160 cm k. Indonesiab. Female g. Rina l. Singlec. Swimming h. Bandung, 12 April 2003 m. 60121d. Student i. Surabaya n. 0820320192012e. Jln. Merdeka No. 39 j. 45 kg o. ​


1 g , 2 m , 3 l , 4 . a , n , d , e , there's no email address , f ,

, i , b , j , idk the state , h , c


1. G

2. A

3. E

4. I

5. K

6. M

7. N


9. B

10. H

11. L

12. D

13. F

14. J

15. C

18. dipasangkan dengan sinonim nya 1.hit by lightning 2. a meet and greet event 3.excited 4. lobby 5. memorabilia 6. showed up 7. waved 8. crowd 9.sang along 10. autograph 11. speechless 12. unreal 13. cool/awesome 14. friendly 15. nervous 16, amazing a. waiting room b. come or arrive c. sing together d. get along e. fan meeting f. merchandise g. wonderful i. signature j. great k. surprised l. anxious m. very happy n. unbelieveable o. can't say a word p. a lot of people

1. K
2. E
3. M
4. A
5. F
6. B
7. H nya mana??
8. P
9. C
10. I
11. O
12. N
13. G/J
14. D
15. L
16. J/G

19. dipasangkan dengan sinonim nya 1.hit by lightning 2. a meet and greet event 3.excited 4. lobby 5. memorabilia 6. showed up 7. waved 8. crowd 9.sang along 10. autograph 11. speechless 12. unreal 13. cool/awesome 14. friendly 15. nervous 16, amazing a. waiting room b. come or arrive c. sing together d. get along e. fan meeting f. merchandise g. wonderful i. signature j. great k. surprised l. anxious m. very happy n. unbelieveable o. can't say a word p. a lot of people

Maaf kalau ada yang salah
Note: kok gak ada pilihan H?

20. Part B. Questions.A. How do you analyse and interprete a poem?B. How do you identify a poem?C. What is the power of poetry?D. What are emotions in poetry?E. What is the importance of poetry?F. What makes poetry different form literature?G. Why is it important to know the elements and language used in poetry?H. Why do we analyze poetry?1. Why is structure important in poetry?J. Why poetry is so beutyful?K. What are the main features of poetry?L. What are the most common element examined in poetry analysis?M. What is the unique features of poetry?N. What is the role of peotry in sociaty?0. What makes poetry different?ANSWER:271356891241314151011NOANSWERCORRECT: ......... X 10 ): 15.MARK:​

kicil banget 1 SMA negeri di kota ini siapa apa yang ngambil kamu apa adanya dan tidak bisa 6766eh hdxnsjznsnznsn123dan itu we are the by 6