What Does The Image Above Depict

Explaining What the Image Above Depicts

Description of Image

The image above depicts a classroom scene with two teachers and a group of students. The teachers are standing at the front of the class, and the students are sitting in desks. The students are engaged in conversation, and the teachers appear to be leading the discussion.


The image suggests that the teachers are leading a discussion-based lesson. The teachers are actively engaged in the conversation, which allows them to help guide the students and ensure that everyone is participating. The students are actively engaged in the conversation, which indicates that they are learning something valuable in the lesson.


The image implies that discussion-based lessons can be an effective way to teach students. By having the students participate in a conversation and actively engage in the lesson, the teachers can ensure that the students are learning something from the lesson and that their knowledge is being reinforced.


The image above depicts a classroom scene where two teachers are leading a discussion-based lesson, which implies that discussion-based lessons can be an effective way to teach students. By having the students participate in a conversation and actively engage in the lesson, the teachers can ensure that the students are learning something from the lesson and that their knowledge is being reinforced.

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Questions and Answers:

1. from the image above, what can we learn from the story?

We must be the courteous people, bacause without that we can't get the better result.

2. what does the above imply

Arti dari pertanyaan: "what does the text above imply?" adalah " Apakah yang tersirat di dalam teks?" Pertanyaan seperti ini, biasanya menanyakan tentang kesimpulan dari sebuah teks bacaan.  Pertanyaan ini disusun dengan menggunakan pola WH-Question. WH-Question adalah jenis pertanyaan yang membutuhkan informasi lebih dalam pernyataannnya.

PembahasanPertanyaan Dengan WH (WH-Question)  

W-H question merupakan kata tanya yang jawabannya memerlukan informasi tertentu. Diantara kata tanya yang memerlukan informasi tertentu adalah:  

What - untuk menanyakan benda/sesuatu - "Apa ...?"  

Who - untuk menanyakan orang - "Siapa ...?"  

When - untuk mananyakan waktu - "Kapan ...?"  

Where - untuk menanyakan tempat - "Di mana ...?"  

Which - untuk menanyakan pilihan - "Yang mana/Manakah ...?"  

How - untuk menanyakan cara - "Bagaimana ...?"  

Why -untuk menanyakan alasan - "Mengapa ...?  

Terdapat 8 tipe pertanyaan dengan WH (WH – questions). Kata tanya ini akan menanyakan detail tentang manusia, benda, kejadian dan sebagainya. Berikut ini contoh dan cara membuat kalimat tanya menggunakan wh question dan jawabannya.  

1. What are you doing? (Apa yang kamu lakukan?)  

⇒I am writing. (Saya sedang menulis.)  

2. Who are you? (Siapa kamu?)  

⇒I am a friend of your brother. (Saya teman adikmu.)  

3. When did it occur? (Kapan terjadinya?)  

⇒It occurred on Saturday. (Itu terjadi hari Sabtu.)  

4. Why did you do that? (Mengapa kamu lakukan itu?)  

⇒Because I was angry. (Karena saya marah.)  

5. Where is she? (Di mana dia?)  

⇒She is over here. (Dia di sana.)  

6. Which is yours? (Yang mana punyamu?)  

⇒This one. (Yang ini.)  

7. Whose is this? (Punya siapa ini?)  

⇒It is mine. (Punyaku.)  

8. How do you get there? (Bagaimana kamu ke sana?)  

⇒By bus. (Naik bus.)  

Kata tanya “WH” juga bisa bergabung dengan kata lain.  

1. What about you? (Bagaimana denganmu?)  

2. What time is it? (Jam berapa ini?)  

3. What if the sky fell? (Bagaimana jika langit runtuh?)  

4. How much is this? (Berapa harganya/banyaknya?)  

5. How big is your opponent? (Lawanmu sebesar apa?)  

6. How old is your brother? (Berapa usia saudaramu?)  

7. How long is the ship? (Berapa panjang kapal itu?)  

8. How about you and me playing soccer on the field? (Bagaimana kalau kamu dan aku bermain sepak bola di lapangan?)  

Kata tanya dengan preposisi, yaitu menggunakan kata depan seperti “at”, “from”, atau “to”  

1. Who are you looking at? (Kepada siapa kamu melihat? Siapa yang kamu lihat?)  

⇒I am looking at you. (Saya sedang melihat kamu.)  

2. Where are you from? (Kamu dari mana?)  

⇒I am from Makassar. (Saya dari Makassar.)  

3. What are they talking about? (Apa yang sedang mereka bicarakan?)  

⇒They are talking about economics. (Mereka berbicara tentang ilmu ekonomi.)  

4. Who is she talking to? (Kepada siapa dia bicara?)  

⇒She is talking to me. (Dia sedang bicara kepadaku.)  

5. What are we searching for? (Apa yang sedang kita cari?)  

⇒We are searching for gold. (Kita sedang mencari emas.)  

6. What is he like? (Seperti apa dia?)  

⇒He’s a tall guy with curly hair. (Dia laki-laki bertubuh tinggi dan berambut keriting.)  

Kata tanya what, which, dan whose bisa langsung diikuti kata benda.  

1. What song do you like? (Lagu apa yang kamu suka?)  

2. Which book is yours? (Buku yang mana punyamu?)  

3. Whose car is this? (Mobil siapa ini?)  

Pelajari lebih lanjut:  

1. Materi tentang WH question https://brainly.co.id/tugas/18632816  

2. Materi tentang WH question https://brainly.co.id/tugas/21535688  


Detil Jawaban  

Kelas: 8  

Mapel: B.Inggris  

Bab: Grammar  

Kode: 8.5.3  

Kata Kunci: WH question, Kesimpulan  

3. What does the text above mean?

apa arti/maksud dari teks di atas??apa maksud dari teks di atas?

4. What does the notice above mean?​



di Jalan setapak dilarang bersepeda

Semoga membantu ya:)


Public footpath no cycling artinya jalan setapak umum bukan bersepeda.


so, In general it is not an offence to cycle on these, except cycling along a footpath is a public nuisance and hence a We first need to look at what trespass means.

5. What does the notice above mean?​


I'm happy to hear that your parents will UMROH next month

That's great!

Awesome! It's good news.


semoga membantu ya dan jangan lupa jadikan jawaban terbaik

6. what does the notice above mean

what do you think..?

7. What does the notice above mean ?


So that we continue to maintain health.



8. what does the above caution mean?​


apa arti peringatan diatas ?

semoga membantu :)


above caution berarti perhatikan peringatan di atas.

9. what expressing does the text above?​


apa yang diungkapkan teks di atas?


artinya adalah apa yang diungkapkan teks di atas?

semoga bermanfaat:)

10. what does the notice above mean

above di mana , maaf yang jellass
Above dimana,yang jelas dong

11. what does the notice above mean​


Where is the notice? I can't answer this question if there is no notice.


12. What does the opacity of an image define? A. The opaqueness of the image B. The color range of the image C. The dimensions of the image D. The file size of the image

the opaque nest of the image karena itu sangat membantu pikiran saya sependapat soal ini dan kalo nggak salah terhadap A930 percaya Cari aja di Google Kenapa speaker

13. what does the caution above mean?

Jawabannya adalah D.we need some protections when using the chemicalsJawaban :
2) B. The corrosive chemicals are prohibited to use

Semoga membantu^^

14. What does the text advertisement above?​


8. a. a band show

because the topic mainly talks about the band show, and the b ,c ,d option is the information, not the topic

15. What does the caution above mean?

Diterjemahkan ke B. indonesia= apa hati hati di atas berarti ?......
answer : the heart of the heart of the above
#jadikan jawaban terbaik

16. what does the next monthly above​


How to Calculate Your MoM GrowthRate

But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Let’s rewind to start at the beginning. To calculate month-over-month growth for a single month, simply take the difference between this month’s total number of users and last month’s total number of users, and then divide that by last month’s total.

17. What does the text above mean?

Mengenai apakah text diatas ?
Apa inti dari teks diatas ?
Apa arti text tersebut ?Apa teks di atas rata-rata

18. what does the above text about​


the text ia about Kediri town


because the text is a loading something in the Kediri town, and factory people work in the Kediri town

maaf kalo salah

19. What does the above caution mean?


caution that called(berhati-hati) means to say out too people who were going out for take a walk or something

the above caution berarti perhatikan peringatan di atas.

20. what does the text above offer?​


apa yang ditawarkan teks diatas?