1000 Gallons Of Water

What is 1000 Gallons of Water?

1000 gallons of water is a unit of measurement of liquid volume. It is equal to 3,785.411 liters or 264.172 cubic feet. Water is an essential resource that is used in many different ways, including drinking, cleaning, and irrigation.

Why is Water Important?

Water is essential for life. It is necessary for many of our daily activities and is used to create food, energy, and other products. Without water, life on Earth would not be possible. Water is also important for our environment, as it helps maintain healthy ecosystems and is a key component of the global water cycle.

How Much Water is in 1000 Gallons?

1000 gallons of water is equal to 3,785.411 liters or 264.172 cubic feet. This is a large amount of water and is enough to fill up to 10 bathtubs. It is also enough to provide an average family of four with drinking water for almost a month.
What Can 1000 Gallons of Water Do?
1000 gallons of water can be used to irrigate a small garden. It can also be used to fill a swimming pool, wash a car, or flush a toilet. Additionally, it can be used for drinking and other household needs. There are many ways to conserve water and it is important to use it wisely to ensure that it is available for future generations.

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Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. One gallon contains 8 2/3 liter of water. How many liters of water do such 3 gallons contain?

[tex]8 \frac{2}{3} \times 3[/tex]

[tex] = \frac{26}{3} \times 3[/tex]

[tex] = 26 \: liter[/tex]


[tex]8 \frac{2}{3} \times 3 \\ \\ = \frac{26}{3} \times 3 \\ \\ = 26 \: liter[/tex]

2. Every minute, 2.22.22, point, 2 gallons of water flows from a shower. A family of 555 people showers for an average of 999 minutes every morning. How many gallons of water does the family use for showering every morning?

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga bermanfaat dan membantu anda kak

3. Estimete the number of gallons


perkiraan jumlah galon


semoga membantu ya

4. Suppose that the quantity of root beer demanded declines from 103,000 gallons per week to 97,000 gallons per week as a consequence of a 10 percent increase in the price of root beer. The price elasticity of demand is…….

So the price elasticity of demand is..

The formula =>
Ed = %∆Q / %∆P
     = % (6000 / 97000) / 10%
     = 6,18% / 10%
     = 0,618 % (Inelastis)

Good Luck! :D

5. a car can travel 288 miles on 18gallons of gasoline. how can it travel on 24 gallons​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

that problem can be solve with;

comparisons that have the same value ( perbandingan senilai )

288mil = 18 gallons of gasoline

........mil = 24 gallons of gasoline

The formula of same value comparisons is


= 288/b2=18/24


18b = 6912

b = 6912/18

= 384 miles

So, the car can cover 384 miles on 24 gallons of gasoline.

I hope this can help you..

Sorry if my answer is wrong..

6. bantu jwb❗1. The total capacity of 3 identical jerry cans is 8.4 gallons, what is the capacity of 1 jerry can in milliliters?2. the volume of 1 juice box of orange juice is 0.2 quarts. what is the volume of 13 juice boxes in liters?3. a fish tank has a capacity of 50 gallons if there's already 60 liters of water in it, how kany liters of water is needed to fill it up completely?4. How many milliliters of water do you need to fill up a 12 pint fish bowl?5. what can hold more water: 100 gallon bathtub or a 380,00p milliliters aquarium?makasi yg jwb in, klo bisa pakai cara kak, ❗​

1. kurang lebih 6.333

2. 2,6 L

3. 890 L

4. 12.000 ml

5. bathub

7. The density of water is 1.0g/cm3. This is useful as it means we can measure themass of water and easily work out its volume. A. What is the mass of 1cm³ of water? B. What is the mass of 20cm³ of water? C. What is the volume of 10g of water? D. What is the volume of 22.5g of water​


The density of water is 1.0g/cm3. This means 1 g of water mass equals to 1 cm³ of water volume.

a. 1 cm³= 1g

b. 20 cm³= 20g

c. 10 g= 10 cm³

d. 22.5g = 22,5 cm³

semangat belajar


8. 11. Horse is a strong animal. It eats grass anddrinks gallons of water. It ....A. croacksB. quacksC. cacklesD. neighs​




gapapa ya kalau salah gue enggak tau


c . cackles


kerna huruf terakhir t pas kamu translet cackles

cackles = terkekeh.

jadi kyk nyambung t=terkekeh..... XD

smoga bermanfaat kerna agak nyambung:v

9. While Andy and Henry are fishing 4 kms from shore, their boat springs a leak, and water comes in at a constant rate of 6 gallons per minute. The boat will sink if it takes in more than 24 gallons of water. Henry starts rowing towards the shore of a constant rate of 12 kms per hour while Andy bails water out of the boat. What is the slowest rate, in gallons per minute, at which Andy can bail if they are to reach the shore without sinking?Soal dari game roblox bang​


maaf guys tapi andy tidak dijelaskanseberapa banyak yang bisa dikeluarin airnya ini mtk ya tapi dari perkiraan besar kemungkinan 4,8 gallons thanks

10. 6. Evander took out 1 L of water from the refrigerator, when he measured the temperature of the water it showed that the water was at 10 oC. Evander thinks that it is still too cold so he adds 500 g of hot water. The temperature of the new mixture becomes 30 oC. What is the temperature of the hot water? Assume that the specific heat of the water is 4.2 J/g oC. 1 Liter of water equal to 1000 gramstolong bantuin yaa, makasii​


according to the Black'sLaw:

m1. C. ∆T1 = m2. C. ∆T2

C could be deleted, =>

1000( 30° - 10°) = 500(t - 30°)

1000(20) = 500(t -30)

20000= 500t -15000

20000 +15000= 500t

35000= 500t

t = 35000/500

t = 70°

therefore, the temperature of the hot water

is 70°C

11. If a trip of 270 miles required 12 gallons of fuel, how many gallons are required for a trip of 400 miles


400 miles/270 miles x 12 gallons

= 4.800/270

= 17 210/270

= 17 21/27

= 17 7/9 gallons

12. If 3 gallons of milk cost $9, howmany jugs can you buy for $45?​


15 gallons

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

$9 get 3 gallons

$45 get .... gallons

45/9 x 3 = 15 gallons

13. If the specific heat of water is 1000 J/kg°C, how much heat is required to heat 2 kg of water from 230°C to 1000°C?



t= 1000-230= 770 celcius

m= 2kg

1000J/kg°C x 770 x 2 = 1.540.000 joule

14. 1 gallons per thousand berapa liter

10 liter
Klo gk salah :)

15. Horse is a strong animal. It eats grass and drinks gallons of water. It....A. croacksB. quacksC. cacklesD. neighsTolong jawab kakTerimakasih​




smg bnr jawabannya




maaf klo salah,arti neighs itu meringik

16. Ahmad fills his water bottle with 1 liter of water. After his bike ride, he drinks 200 milliliters of the water. How much water is left in Ahmad's sports bottle? (Remember: 1 liter = 1000 ml) *​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1.000 ml - 200 ml = 800 ml

17. How much water do you need?A. I need a bag of waterB. I need a glass of waterC. I need a bunch of waterD. I need a loaf of water​


How much water do you need?

A. I need a bag of water

B. I need a glass of water

C. I need a bunch of water

D. I need a loaf of water​


Jawaban dicetak tebal adalah poin B. I need a glass of water yang artinya aku membutuhkan segelas air karena water termasuk kata benda yang tidak bisa dihitung dan harus menggunakan a measurement unit (satuan pengukuran) yaitu a glass of sementara pilihan lainnya salah.

Semoga membantu ya.

18. J25. How much of water consumed of a day to keep our body health?A. Eight glasses of WaterB. Eight bottles of waterC. Two Litres of waterD. Two Kilos of water​


A. Eight glasses of water

19. A house painting company has 8 1/4 gallons of paint available to paint available to paint a house. the paint will be divided equally among 3 painters. how many gallons of paint will each painter receive?.....

I think so..
8 1/4 : 3
= 33/4 :3
= 2.75 atau 2 3/4

so, Many gallons of paint will each painter receive is 2 3/4 ..

8 * 1/4 = 8/4 = 2 gallons There are 3 painters so each painter will get 1/3*2 gallons = 2/3 of a gallon per painter... So, 2/3 of gallon per painter... Thank you :D

20. a bathtub of length 200 cm and width 60 cm of water as high as 30 cm. calculate the water pressure at the bottom of bathtub! (water density : 1000 kg/m, acceleration of gravity : 9,8 n/kg.)

p=rho x g x h
=1000 * 9,8 * 0,3