33000 Euros In Dollars

Converting 33,000 Euros to US Dollars

What is the Euro?

The Euro is the official currency of 19 of the 28 member states of the European Union. It was introduced in 1999 and is the second-most traded currency in the world.

What is the US Dollar?

The US Dollar is the official currency of the United States. It is the most traded currency in the world and is widely used in international transactions.

How to Convert 33,000 Euros to US Dollars

The current exchange rate between the Euro and the US Dollar is 1 Euro = 1.10 US dollars. To convert 33,000 Euros to US Dollars, multiply 33,000 by 1.10. The result is 36,300 US Dollars.


It is important to remember that exchange rates are constantly changing. Before you make any international transactions, make sure to check the current exchange rate to ensure you get the best deal.
Converting 33,000 Euros to US Dollars is a simple process. By using the current exchange rate, you can easily calculate the amount of US Dollars you will need to complete an international transaction.

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Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. 7. Tommy can exchange 8euros for 11 dollars. At this rate, how many dollars can Tommy get with 12 euros?

d = 12×11/8 = 33/2 =16,5 dollars

2. (8)A money changer offers an exchange rate of 0.65 Euros for 1 Singaporedollar. At this rate, how many Singapore dollars will Cathy get if she givesthe money changer 975 Euros?​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

975 / 0.65 = 1500 S$

3. b) Eighty six point sixteen million dollars = c) eighty six dollars seventy three = d) ninety one million, six hundred twenty seven thousand, eighty one = e) Sixty one point seventeen billion euros = penulisannya bagaimana ya ?

B. 86.160.000$
C. 86.73$
D. 91.627.081

Like this, maybe? Sorry if it’s wrong :(

4. 33000 dm³ /menit =...m³/detik​


33.000 dm3/menit = ... m3/detik

1 dm3 = 0,001 m3

1 menit = 60 detik

33.000 ÷ 1.000 = 33 m3/menit

33 ÷ 60 = 0,55 m3/detik



33000 dm³ /menit = 0,55 m³/detik​

5. Assume that the two transactions are denominated in u.s. dollars. prepare the entries required for the dates of the transactions and their settlement in u.s. dollars.


tolong terjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia

6. What will you do with one million dollars in your life ?


I Will buy a PC Gaming for Mining Bitcoin haha :v


for my future, use that money as well as possible


7. Tentukanlah sisa dari ( 33000 + 55000) jika dibagi oleh 4.​


[tex]33000 + 55000 = 88000 \div 4 = 22000[/tex]



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

yang pertama Yng harus kita hitung adalah Yng dikurung 33.000+55.000=88.000÷4=22.000

8. Tentukanlah sisa dari ( 33000 + 55000) jika dibagi oleh 4.



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:





Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

( 33000 + 55000)/4=φ(* ̄0 ̄)



terima kasih

9. over a million dollars in cash ... from the bank of east asia in central.



lebih dari satu juta dolar tunai.....dari bank asia timur tengah



10. How much does the man have to pay for the room’s cost?Gambar Tanpa TeksA. 86 dollarsB. 88 dollarsC. 98 dollarsD. 89 dollarsE. 96 dollars​

Jawaban: 88 dollars (B)

Penjelasan:  80  tambah 10 % : 80 tambah 8 : 88 (10% dari 80 : 8)

11. 11. A money changer offers an exchange rate of 0.65 Euros for 1 Singapore dollar. At this rate how many Singapore dollars will Cathy get if she gives the money changer 975 Euros Help me please...


1.567,01025 SGD ($)

I'm sorry if Its wrong

12. x/y bentuk paling sederhana dari 1224/33000 adalah

jawabannya adalah 51/13751224/33000=306/8250 karena di bagi 4
306/8250=102/2750 karena di bagi 3
102/2750=51/1375 karena di bagi 2
Jadi hasilnay 51/1375
Maaf kalau salah

13. Ten dollars were given atau ten dollars was given

ten dollars were givenjawabannya tergantung pada lembar dollar-nya.

bila lembar 1 dollar-nya berjumlah sepuluh lembar kertas; ten dollars were given

tetapi bila 10 dollars dalam 1 lembar kertas ; ten dollars was given

14. this is a non - smoking hotel it is necessary for all guest to leave their passports at reception it is possible to have meals in the restaurant or in the rooms hotel guest are not allowed to have visitors after 10 P.M we accept payment in euros , US dollars , and UK poundslook at the hotel "rules" and then complete the sentences about them. use an appropriate modal verbs (can , can't , must , mustn't ) 1.you...leave your passport at reception 2.you....have meals on the rooms. 3.you... have visitors in your room after 10 P.M. 4.you....pay in euros if you do not want to. 5.you.....pay in euros , US dollars , or UK pounds​

1. Must
2. Can
3. Can’t
4. Mustn’t
5. Can

Semoga membantu.
Semangat teruss belajarnyaaa

15. If 1.00 pounds = 1.20 euros, How many pounds is 60.00 euros?


1.00 pounds = 1.20 euros

60.00 pounds = 60.00×1.20 = 72.00 euros

16. $10.35 is ___ dollars and ___ cents (Write your answer in numerals)


10 dollars and 35 cents

semoga bisa betul

17. 33000 mg sama dengan berapa g

33000 mili gram=33 gram

18. 33000 dm3/menit.....m3/detik

33000 dm3 = 33000 : 1000 = 33 m3
1 menit = 60 detik

33/60 = 0.55 m3/detik

semoga membantu

19. this is a non - smoking hotel it is necessary for all guest to leave their passports at reception it is possible to have meals in the restaurant or in the rooms hotel guest are not allowed to have visitors after 10 P.M we accept payment in euros , US dollars , and UK poundslook at the hotel "rules" and then complete the sentences about them. use an appropriate modal verbs (can , can't , must , mustn't ) 1.you...leave your passport at reception 2.you....have meals on the rooms. 3.you... have visitors in your room after 10 P.M. 4.you....pay in euros if you do not want to. 5.you.....pay in euros , US dollars , or UK pounds​


1. can

2. can

3. must not

4. can

5. can

20. On a day, the exchange rate between the Singapore dollars (SGD) and the US dollars (USD) is 1 SGD = 0.816 USD, correct to 3 decimal between the places. The exchange rate Australian dollars (AUD) and the US dollars is 1 AUD = 1.073 USD, correct to 3 decimal places. (a) Find the exchange rate, correct to 3 decimal places, between Singapore dollars and Australian dollars in AUD/SGD. (b) Mr Lim has a son studying in a university in Sydney. He has to remit 25 000 AUD to him. Find the required amount of Singapore dollars correct to the nearest dollar.​


(a) To find the exchange rate between Singapore dollars and Australian dollars in AUD/SGD, we can use the given exchange rates:

1 SGD = 0.816 USD

1 AUD = 1.073 USD

To convert from SGD to AUD, we can first convert SGD to USD, and then convert USD to AUD:

1 SGD = 0.816 USD

1 SGD/0.816 USD = 1.22549019608 SGD/USD (using the reciprocal of 0.816)

1 AUD = 1.073 USD

1.073 USD/1 AUD = 0.93121440823 AUD/USD (using the reciprocal of 1.073)

Now, to get the exchange rate between SGD and AUD, we can divide the AUD/USD exchange rate by the SGD/USD exchange rate:

0.93121440823 AUD/USD ÷ 1.22549019608 SGD/USD ≈ 0.759 AUD/SGD

Therefore, the exchange rate between Singapore dollars and Australian dollars in AUD/SGD is approximately 0.759, correct to 3 decimal places.

(b) To find the required amount of Singapore dollars to remit 25,000 AUD, we can use the exchange rate we found in part (a):

1 AUD = 0.759 SGD (approximately)

Therefore, 25,000 AUD is equivalent to:

25,000 AUD × 0.759 SGD/AUD ≈ 18,975 SGD

Rounding to the nearest dollar, the required amount of Singapore dollars is 18,975 SGD.


a. 1×0.816÷3÷1.073=0, 253494874

b. 25000÷3=8.333, 33333