What Time Is 21 27

What Time Is 21 27? 21:27 is **21** hours and **27** minutes past midnight or 9:27 PM.

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Table of Content:

1. 21. What time is it? (01.50)It is a 150...22. What time is it? (02.50)It is ...na23. Woman wearsin Kartini day24. It is very cool. My mother wears apoby...maka HSB25. Tian : How do you go to school, Hasan?Hasan : I go to school by...an...(sepeda)26. A ship stops in the27. Vanesa wears a .....when it is raining28. A quarter past seven.29 Twenty five to one​


21. its ten minutes to two

22. its ten minutes to three

23. Kebaya

24. Sweater

25. Bicycle/ Bike

26. Harbour

27. Raincoat

28. 7.15

29. 12.35

Penjelasan: semoga membantu^^

2. This is a chart of DAYS. Have a look at the chart and answer the questionfor no 21-22: 21. What is the day before Saturday? It is ...A. Sundayb. TuesdayC. FridayD. Thursday22. Today is Wednesday. Tomorrow will be ...A. Tuesdayb. ThursdayC. SaturdayD. MondaySundayMondayTuesdayWednesday AThursdayFridaySaturday oText for no. 23MondayEnglishMathArtsReligionTuesdayIndonesianScienceCitizenshipArtsWednesdaySocial StudySportsReligionArtsThursdayMathEnglishScienceIndonesianFridayScienceIndonesian23. Based on the schedule above. You learn English on...A. Monday & TuesdayC. Thursday & FridayB. Monday &WednesdayD. Thursday &Monday24. Siti - This month is April. What is next month?FaizIt is ..A. JuneB. JanuaryC. MarchD. May25. Dita How many months in a year, Susi?Susi : there are ...A. Twelveb. TenC. ElevenD. Seven26. Rini : Can you tell me the time, please?Roni .A It's ten a clockC. It's eleven past oneB. It's five past elevenD. It's half past ten27. I Rizki : What time is it?RidhoA. It is ten to twoC. It is a half past twoB. It is ten past twoD. It is ten past seven​


21. Friday

22. Thursday

23. Thursday & Monday

24. May

25. Twelve

26 dan 27 tidak bisa dijawab karena tidak ada gambar

3. II. ESSAY46. Complete this conversationMother : Diana, I have something for you.Diana: Really? What is it?Mother : Look! I have a novel you dream of.Diana: Thank you very much, Mom. You are very kind.MotherI47. Read this conversation and answer the question.John : What is your hobby, Olivia?OliviaI enjoy reading travel book. Anyway what is your hobby?John : I think I don't have a hobby.Olivia: Think about what you like. You will find it.John : Well, I know. I like cycling.What are they talking about?48. What time is it?It is ....7:2049.2018NovemberMo Tu We Th Fr Sa1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30How do you pronounce the bold-typed date completely ?It is ....50. Mr. Andre : What's the matter with you, Sir? What can I do for you?Mr. Rendi: I have a stomachache. I have just eaten very hot "gado-gado"Mr. Andre : That's the problem. Don't eat too much chilli next time.Well, I will give you recipe. Take the medicine regularly.l'hope you will get well soon.Mr. Rendi: Thank you.Where does the dialog likely happen?tolong dibantu kak​


46. you're welcome kids

47. about their hobbies

48. 7:20

49.- (not clear)

50. an office

4. The text below is for number 21 - 31 Teacher : Good morning, class. Students : Good morning,Miss Teacher : Today we ..(21)...... To go out and see the things, plants and animals around us. Students : Yeeey!! Teacher : Let's go out now. (Outside)Teacher : Look at the flowers in the schoolyard. ..(22).... You think they're beautiful? Shafwah : yes, they are. They are colorful and pretty. Teacher : They ...(23).... Our school. How about the sun? What do you know about the sun? Syifha : It ....(24).... In the ...(25).... And sets in the ...(26)....Teacher : Perfect! How about the big trees, what are they for?Yasmin : They provide shade and oxygen Teacher : That's right. Anything else? Adzwa : They .....(27).... fruits, too. Teacher : Yes, some trees do. Look! There's a cat.Nisa : I like the cat. She's very cute. I usually ....(28).. her. She eats a lot of fish ....(29)... She doesnt like rice. Ira : I dont really like cat. Aliffi : I play with her during break time. She's ....(30)...Teacher : she makes you ....(31)... Doesnt she?Aliffi : yes, she does 21. A. Goes B. Is go C. Is going D. Are going E. Are go 22. A. Does B. Did C. Are D. Do E. Is 23. A. Beauty B. Beautifully C. Beautiful D. Beautify E. Beautifulness 24. A. Is rising B. Rising C. Rise D. Rises E. Was rising25. A. West B. South C. North D. East E. South east 26. A. South B. South east C. North D. West E. East 27. A. Give B. Buy C. Gift D. Borrow E. Eat 28. A. Feed B. Fed C. Give D. Gave E. Given 29. A. Because B. And C. Or D. Moreover E. Just 30. A. Quiet B. Quite C. Pretty D. Playful E. Lazy31. A. tired B.angry C. hungry D.sadE. Happy MINTOL BGT SOAL USS PLEASE JANGAN NGASAL ​


(21) Are going

(22) Do

(23) Beautify

(24) Rises

(25) East

(26) West

(27) Give

(28) Feed

(29) Because

(30) Playful

(31) Happy

Semoga membantu, apabila berkenan boleh jadikan jawaban ini sebagai jawaban tercerdas :)

5. For number 19-24Come to my partyTo: my friend "Beni"You are invited to my 13th birthday partyDate : Friday, October 9th, 2018Time : 04.00 pm.Adress : kamboja street no 5Thanks Lina2719. Who is the card for?Lina6. Benic. Kambojad. Friday282920. What is the kind of the card ?a. Birthday Invitationb. Greeting cardPermissiond. Congratulation21. When will the party begin?a. Kamboja street no 5b. Friday, October 9th, 2018c. Come to my partyd. Birthday partya.22. Who celebrate the birthday?Linab. Benic. Fridayd. Kamboja23. The following things are included in thebirthday invitation EXCEPT.....Timeb. DateGiftAddressd.&24. The following things are included in the birthdayinvitation EXCEPT.....Timeb. Datec. Giftd. Address25. Who is the card for?a. Linab. Wishc. Bestd. SitiPor to​


19. beni

20. birthday invitation

21. Friday, October 9th, 2018

22. lina

23. gift

24. gift

25. beni.

nomer 23 dan 24 pertanyaan nya sama

nomer 19 dan 25 itu sama pertanyaan.


19. a. Beni

20. a. Birthday Invitation

21. b. Friday, October 9th, 2018

22. a. Lina

23. c. Gift

24. c. Gift

25. Beni


Maaf klau salah

Semoga membantu:)

6. 21. Choose the correct sentence with the right capital lettera. Ir Soekarno is the first president of Indonesiab. Semarang is capital of Central javac. Joko Widodo is president of indonesiad. terbaya is one of beautiful beach in TanggamusI have a guava and an apple which one do you want?an apple to guava thank youokay, this for youc liked. likesThat is traffic light do you know what colours are those?22. AndyDoniAndia. preferb. need23. TinaWhat is that, Dad?Mr. DannyTinaSure. those area red, yellow, and greyb. red, yellow, and green24. The second day of the week isa. Saturdayb. Sunday25. Rina, Novi, and Santi are Mr. Fuad's daughters.Dany andAhmadare Mr. Fuad's son.Mr. Fuad has ... Childrensa Fiveb. fourc. red, yellow, and brownd red, yellow, and purplec. Mondayd. Tuesdayc. Threed. twoII. Fill in the blanks with correct answer!26. My mother wears a raincoat because it is27. The man who driving a taxy is28. A doctor work at an ...29. The monthbefore December is ....30. the sun rise is in the31. Denada falled from the bicycle. Hewas helped by Dino.Denada says...32. Bobby meets his friend on the way, he says33. My grand mother is fat, but my mother is ....34. In the dry season the sun sunny35. The time do you always breakfast is in the ...​




7. 17. A: __________ do they go skiing? B: They usually go skiing once a week a. How many times b. How much time c. When d. What time 18. Sam and Lidya work at the zoo __________ job is very difficult. a. They b. Them c. Their d. Theirs 19.The museum is open __________ 8.00 a.m __________ 4.30 p.m a. by, to b. between, to c. from, to d. from, and 20. I didn’t understand what he was talking about. He __________ speak clearly. A. was b. did c. wasn’t d. didn’t 21. My nephew can’t __________ so he never __________ to the swimming pool. a. swim-goes b. swims-go c. swims-goes d. swim-go 22. My niece usually _________ at home ______ Sunday. a. stays-on b. stayed-in c. stay-in d. staying-on 23. A: I wanted to see Mary. Where ____________________? B: at 24 Rosamala Street a. does she live? b. did she live? c. does she lives? d. did she lived? 24. Last month I ______________ an old school friend of mine. a. am meeting b. met c. meet d. have met 25. Waiter : “_____________now, Madam?” Customer : “Yes, I’ll have Soup and Grilled Steak, please.” a. Are you ready to order b. Do you ready to order c. Will you ready to order d. Can you ready to order 26. In the morning,___ I take a shower. Then I prepare breakfast. a. One b. the one c. the first d. first 27. Nancy _______ TV before going to school and she _____ happy. a. usually watch, is always b. watches usually, always is c. usually watches, is always d. watch usually, always is 28.Buyer: “I’d like a pound of potatoes, please?” Seller: “___________?” Buyer: “Yes, I’d like some oranges.” a. How about some tomatoes b. How much is it c. How much do you want d. Anything else 29. waiter: “___________?” customer: “Well done, please!” a. How do you like your steak b. How you like your steak c. How are you d. How much is your steak 30. Andi is always on time. So, He_______ comes late to the class. a. never b. seldom c. sometimes d. often 31.I live __________ 80 Oxford Street a. on b. at c. in d. by 32.A: “That’ll be Rp.120.000” B: “Here you are._______” A: “Thank you. Have a good day” a. Thank you b. Keep the change c. Of course d. Help yourself 33.A: Do you want to make an appointment? B: Yes, please__________? A: Is tomorrow at 10.00 ok? a. When can you see me b. When are you ok c. When do you think d. what time is it

Jawaban :
17) A. How many times (karena yang ditanyakan berapa kali)
18) C. Their (objective pronoun)
19) C. From, to (dari dan sampai)
20) D. Didn't (past participle dari don't)
21) D. Swim, go (karena negative sentence)
22) A. Stays, on (subjectnya she)
23) A. Does she live (interrogative)
24) B. Met (simple past tense)
25) A. Are you ready to order
26) D. First (ordinal number)
27) C. Usually watches, is always
28) D. Anything else (menanyakan benda lain)
29) A. How do you like your steak
30) A. Never (opposite dari late)
31) A. On (untuk street biasa digunakan on)
32) B. Keep the change (simpan kembaliannya)
33) A. When can you see me (menanyakan waktu)

Semoga membantu^^17.A
     semoga membantu...

8. She works at a restaurantA secretaryB waitresswalterIndonesia has two seasons What are they?A Rainy and dry seasonsRainy and wo seamonaDry and housonsGinaSoWhere does a nurse work?She was at aB caleLOOK Via usos un bron in theA Snow seasondry seasonwel sensonhospitalelementary studentsMy uncle is a teacher. HespeaksB TeachesRAIVOSleaves in the dry seasonsThere are manyA drywetbrownKrisnaMy wooden table and chair are brokenthink you can call my uncle He is aKasnaOkay thank you I will call himA firefighterB CarpenterThe blows in dry seasonsAwindB leavesgrassCplumberA seorary aletter in the officeBooks25Ctypeswhen indry seasonI always playballkitoswindThe forefighter is working to put offB fireClampMy father repairs a broken car He is aB lawyerII. Complete the sentence using words in the box!Csailor26his bed every morningAldi is a good kid He alwaysA siGep8. makeClookHe is Mr. Rudy He is Mis Rudy'sTeacherStudentnyumedo you wake up every moming?I get up al 5 o'clock in the morningDtime is up27202930.31My sister is my mother'sThave sister She has a daughter Her name is lala so Laimis inyThere is problem with my tap in my house I can call aAn architect can a building or bridgeI always bring my in the rainy season I keep it in my bagwhat timeTusually after waking upA take a showerB brush the my teethCsoap32333435Amechanics can broken carI usually have before going to school1my teeth every aflor taking a bathI like to my bike every Sunday morningyour hair before going to school!PleaseA culB combC. welseasons daughterbrush HusbandnieceplumberumbrellaridebuildrepairBalon megis Eds. 21Kls. 3 Sat.1Klo a aml 1Bahana Inte Eds. 21​


1. b. waiters

2. a rainy and dry season

3. hospital


5. carpenter




9. TOLONG DI BNTU YA..SOAL YG INI? Question 21- 30 21.watch out! There is... ant on your week. a.a c.some b.an d.the 22.Do you have uniform for the ceremory? a.a c.some b.an d. the 23.budiman has a new handphone ...brand is Nokia N73. a.a c.some b.an d.the 24.Cyntia is sitting in..... middle of the room. a.a c.some b.an d.the 25.Nindyo : pass me that jam,please. nobel:...... nindyo : thanks a.No c.never mint b.it's your business d.here your are 26.which of the following words that has different/i:/ sound? a.it c.sheep b.eat d.feet 27.Ehsan : what do you like to do your free time? mei mei : I LIKE.... a.paint c.painting b.to paint d.is painting 28.Look at this picture my family. my sister Anin,....a barbie doll. a.hold c.holding b.to hold d.is holding 29.A news presenter works on the.... a.street c.mall b.TV station d.market 30.farrel is a very diliigent student. i am sure he...gets late to school. a.always c.often b.neve d.usually SOALNYA BESOK MAU SI KUMPUL!

1.b. an
2. b. an
3. d. the
4. d. the
5. d. here you are
6. d. the (maybe)
7. c. painting
8. d. is holding
9. b. tv station
10. b. never21.b. an
22. b. an
23. d. the
24. d. the
25. c. sheep
27. b. to paint
28. d. is holding
29. b. tv station
30. b. never

10. Complete the following sentences with the right question word!1. ... is your age , Mark? I am going to 19 this month2. ... does US stand for? United States3. ... do you like Singapore? Because It is clean and well organized4. ... are you so angry? I got bad score this morning.5. ... you like in our class? The secretary of our class, Melati. 6. ... will we come here tomorrow night? By car.7. ... ... children does Mr. Andrew have? Two sons and one daughter8. ... contacted you late last night? My old friend, Queen. She is far away now in Bali9. ... are you now? I wonder ... you are10. ... did you meet Smith, younger brother, for the last time? The day he passed away11. It is so yummy. ... made it?12. ... ... is it from Canada to US?13. ... beautiful view is! It is natural. No wonder many people come here14. ... does the star go on twinkling?15. Look at those little girls. They are seven. ... ... is your daughter?16. ... dares to challenge me as the depending champiion?17. ... ... sugar do we need?18. Excuse me Sir, ... ... is it now? Ten to nine19. ... will give a speech on the independence day of America this morning? The president20. A bike is parking in front of our gate. ... bike is it? Wim Cycle21. ... is it so hot today? It is unusual. I do not feel comfortable.22. ... is a knife for? To cut something23. We are going to discuss chapter two. ... ... is it sir? 37.24. ... .... do you visit your grandfa in a month? Not too often25. I do not know ...I will be in 10 years to come. Time will tell26. ... is the score between China and Indonesia? Three two27. Look at this new release mobile phone! It is nice, isn’t it? may I know ... ... is it?28. You know what to do and ... to do it, right? Yes Sir29. ... can I survive with this complicated problem?30. ... does your father drive, George? Slowly.bantuin dong kak, kebanyakan ya? bantu sebisa nya ada deh :D​


what is your agewhat does US stand for?why do you like Singaporewhy are u so angrywho do you like in our class

11. Read the following text to answer questions 1-2    I have a new backpack. It's color is soft green i always bring it whenever i go to school. It is made of strong fabric.    My back pack has several different parts. The first part is the pocket where i put my money and library card. I always put my books and pencil case in it. I keep a bottle of plain water in this pocket1. How many parts does the backpack have?    A.1 part    B.2 part's    C.3 parts    D.4 parts2.where does the writer put his bottle of writer? In the part of the backpack      A. First      B. Second      C. Third      D. FourthKalau yg di bawah ini diubah menjadi bahasa Indonesia3. What is the bed like4. A cozy wooden bed5. In the center of the room6. Nice and large7. Small but nice8. The writer's bedroom9. Let me tell you about my bedroom10.what is the alarm clock for11.to give information about the weather12. To make the morning13. To make the writer sleep14. To tell time to sleep15. He has curly hair16. He is wearing a pair of glasses17. When we have spare time18. We always play station together we usually play it In the afternoon from there to fat19. Must of my friends like Arkan because he is a nice boy20. He is polite and help ful21. What does Arkan look like22. He is fat and weaning a pair of glasses23. He is short with curly hair24. He is tall and thin25. He is fat and short26. On the table27. There is also an alarm clock on my table28. I set the alarm in the evening before i go to bed29. It will wake me up in the morning

maaf cuman tau 2 doang1. (C)
2. (C)
3. Apa ciri-ciri kasur ini
4. Kasur Kaye yg nyaman
5. Di tengah ruang
6. Bagus dan besar
7. Kecil tapi bagus
8. Kamar tidur penulis
9. Boleh aku menceritakan ttg kamar tidurku
10. Apa fungsi jam
11. Untuk memberitahu keadaan cuaca
12. Untuk pagi hari
13. Untuk penulis menjadi tidur
14. Untuk memberitahu waktu tidur
15. Dia mempunyai rambut keriting
16. Dia memakai sepasang kacamata
17. Ketika kita mempunyai waktu luang
18. Kits selalu main PS di sore hari
19. Teman2ku suka Arkan karena dia anak baik
20. Dia baik dan suka menolong
21. Apa ciri2 Arkansas
22. Dia gemuk dan memakai sepasang kacamata
23. Dia pendek dan rambut keriting
24. Dia ringgit dan Kurus
25. Dia gemuk dan pendek
26. Di atas meja
27. Ada jam diatas meja
28. Aku jam di malam hari sebelum tidur
29. Itu Akan membangunkan aku di pagi hari

12. II.URAIAN. Complete this conversationMother : Diana, I have something for you.Diana : Really? What is it?Mother : Look! I have a novel you dream of.Diana : Thank you very much, Mom. You are very kind.Mother ::...47. Read this conversation and answer the question.John : What is your hobby, Olivia?Olivia:l enjoy reading travel book. Anyway what is your hobby?John : I think I don't have a hobby.Olivia: Think about what you like. You will find it.John : Well, I know. I like cycling.What are they talking about?48. Look at the watch.What time is it?It is . Sliven past twentyS536EQibla.comДО2018• NovemberMo Tu We Th Fr Sa134 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30Look at the calendar above. How do you pronounce the bold-typed date completely?It is ....50. Mr. Andre: I have a stomachache next too much chilli next im50. Mr. Andre : What's the matter with you, Sir? What can I do for you?Mr. Rendi : I have a stomachache. I have just eaten very hot "gado-gado"Mr. Andre : That's the problem. Don't eat too much chilli next time.Well, here is the prescription. Go to the drug store.Take the medicine regularly. I hope you will get well soon.Mr. Rendi : Thank you.Mr. Andre : It's Ok.Where does the dialog likely happen?=== *&* ===​



13. tolong kak jawab soal bhs Inggrisyg di gambar soal no2I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, c, or d !1. A: .... is your house?"B: "Go straight, ahead then turn left "a. Whatb. Whoc. Whered. When2. The bank is .... the police station.a. across fromb. behindc. betweend. beside3. The opposite of west is ....a. eastb. nortc. southd. southeast4. We usually put the flover vase .... table.a. inb. onc. underd. behind5. Arman is .... the wall.a. in front ofb. besidec. underd. behind6. A: "Whose bag is that?"B: "That bag belongs to Rangga. That is ....a. hisb. hersc. yoursd. theirs7. Butcher is a person who sells ....a. fruitsb. meatc. vegetablesd. clothes8. A : “How much does the doll cost?”B : It .... fifty five thousand rupiahs.a. costb. costedc. costsd. costing9. Nina is 142 cm, Vivi is 150 cm, Diandra is 160 cm, Risti is 138 cm. The tallest girl is ....a. Ninab. Vivic. Diandrad. Risti10. The king lives in a ....a. kingdomb. hospitalc. templed. hotel11. .... The baby is sleeping.a. Don't make noiseb. Be happyc. Be careful!d. Be diligentDialogue for number 12 and 13Susi : "Where do you want to go?"Meila : I want to go to the fruit stall."Susi : "What do you want to buy there?"Meila : I want to buy apples there."12. Meila wants to go to the ....a. mallb. butcerc. fruit stalld. greengrocer13. Meila wants to buy ....a. applesb. orangesc. pineapplesd. grapes14. Amelia has a new bag. The bag is ....a. herb. hersc. himd. yours14. My brother has a .... nose.a. pointedb. chubbyc. longd. fat15. The salt is 5 kg. The sugar is 3 kg. The salt is .... than the sugar.a. smallerb. longerc. lighterd. heavier16. I usually go fishing in the ....a. marketb. fieldc. riverd. museum17. Angga is fat, but his brother is ....a. bigb. smallc. longd. thin19. The park is behind the school. The antonym of behind is ....a. in front of b. betweenc. next tod. beside20. You have a toy car. The toy car is ....a. youb. yourC. yoursd. you are21. I have a new pencil. The pencil is ....a. my b. yoursc. mined. ours22. We have balls. The balls are .... a. theirsb. yoursc. oursd. himDialogue for number 23 and 24Indah : ‘Whose pencil case is that?”Silvi : “That is Irma’s pencil case. The pencil case is hers”.Indah : “What is the color of it?”Silvi : “ The color of the pencil case is pink.”23. The pencil case belongs to ....a. Indahb. Silvic. Irmad. Indah and Silvi24. The color of the pencil case is ....a. redb. greenc. blued. pink25. I have a new eraser.It is .... eraser.a. meb. myc. mined. your26. Once upon time, .... a good hero.a. there was b. there isc. there were d. there are27. The daughter of the king is ....a. queenb. princec. emperord. princess28. The legend of Prambanan temple is from ....a. East Java b. Central Javac. West Java d. Jakarta29. Majapahit was a... long time ago.a. districtb. villagec. kingdom d. country30. A: "What can we learn from the story of Malin Kundang?"B. "We have to be good to our .... ."a. teachersb. parentsc. friendsd. headmasters​


1 c Where

2 d beside

3 a east

4 b on

5 a in front of

6 a his

7 b meat

8 a cost

9 c Diandra

10 a kingdom

11 a Don't make noise

12 c fruit stall

13 a apples

14 b hers

15 d heavier

16 c river

17 d thin

18 I think you forgot

19 a in front of

20 c yours

21 c mine

22 c ours

23 c Irma

24 d pink

25 b my

26 a there was

27 d princess

28 - I can't sorry

29 c kingdom

30 b parents

14. Spend your time on 38 hard quiz questions!1) What is Prince William's full name? 2) What's the name of the Coco Pops mascot? 3) What year did Vincent Van Gogh die? 4) Switzerland is made up of how many cantons? 5) Which political figure became Baronness of Kesteven?6) Who designed the Eiffel Tower? 7) In Harry Potter, where does Vernon Dursley work? 8) Which English city was once known as Duroliponte?9) How many tombs are there in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt?10) Where is the oldest tree in the world?11) When was the LEGO brick invented?12) How big is the diameter of a basketball hoop in inches?13) When was the first computer invented?14) What is St Kitts and Nevis?15) How many languages has Harry Potter been translated into?16) How was the European Recovery Program in the 1940s more commonly known?17) Brandon Lee died during the making of which movie?18) Vehicles from which country use the international registration letter MA?19) Who directed The Silence of the Lambs?20) What is Mel Gibson's middle name?21) Who drew Felix the cat?22) What do you call a group of bears?23) Which body of the water was called "mare nostrum" by the Romans?24) What’s the maximum score you can achieve in 10-pin bowling?25) What is dermatophobia the fear of?26) What does a Geiger Counter measure?27) Where in the human body would you find the medulla oblongata?28) Who collaborated with Karl Marx to produce “The Communist Manifesto”?29) How many legs does a lobster have?30) Where was the first British colony in the Americas?31) Who is the author of the novel 'War and Peace'?32) Who was Bruce Forsyth's first female assistant on the Generation Game?33) What type of clothing is a Glengarry?34) Which American actor and film maker was born Mark Sinclair?35) Which long distance train had its first run in October 1883?36) 'Moonshine' was a slang term for which type of beverage?37) The wood of a cricket bat is traditionally made from which type of tree?38) Tom Cruise is an outspoken member of which religion?39) What is Cher's last name?40) What is the largest moon of Saturn called?​

1.William Arthur Philip Louis

2.Coco the Monkey

3.29 Juli 1890

4.26 cantons

5.Margaret Hilda

6.Gustave Eiffel

7. grunnings


9.62 known tombs

10.Methuselah Grove in the White Mountains of eastern California

11. 1958

12. 18 inches

13. When was the first computer invented?

14.Saint Kitts dan Nevis (Saint Kitts and Nevis)

15.Asturian, Greenlandic, Gujarati, Macedonian, Malayalam, and Nepali.

16.Marshall Plan

17. The Crow

18. Morocco

19.Jonathan Demme

20.Mel Columcille Gerard Gibson

21.Pat Sullivan

22.a sleuth or a sloth

23.Mediterranean Sea

24.300 points

25.Fear and avoidance of skin.


27.in front of the brain

28.Communist Manifesto

29. 10 legs

30.Jamestown, Virginia

31.Leo Tolstoy

32.Rosemarie Ford

33.Glengarry bonnet

34. 18 July 1967

35.in 1883 year

36.bootleg (or illicit) whiskey

37.bat willow

38.Church of Scientology

39.Cherilyn Sarkisian



semoga membantu kaks ^._.^

15. My name ……. Ronaldo.I …… from Transixo a.k.a Trans.I …… one little brother.We …….interested in learning English.Where …. your address?What …… your initials?Are you Spanish? No, …………I ……. at Abby’s party two days ago.She ………..really beautiful last week. They ………. Tony’s ex-girlfriends.Fill in the blank with possessive adjective or ‘s.My name is Dinozo. This is (I) ……. (11) Fiancé. (She) ……….(12) Name is Ziva. (We) …….(13) Favorite place to hang out is Ujung Pandaran. Who is (you) ……….(14) Fiancé?.Complete the following conversations with appropriate words in the box. A: Hello, madam. Can I help you?B: Yes, sure. Do you have (15) ……… sweaters?A: Yes. There (16)…… sweaters in the corner. What size are you?B: (17) ………… you got this sweater in small?A: What color (18) …….. you like madam?B: I like light green. I (19)………. wear that color.Write the letters or numbers.20. two hundred and twelve21. fifty five thousand22. one hundred eighty five thousand.23. 66,66624. 1,50025. 734What time is it? It is….26. 6.4527. 7.3028. 9.1529. 11. 2530. 10. 40​

1. is

2. am

3. have

4. are

5. is

6. is

7. I'm not

8. was

9. was

10. are

11. my

12. Her

13. Our

14. your

15. any

16. are

17. have

18. would

19. will

20. 212

21. 55,000

22. 1850

23. sixty six thousand six hundred and sixty six

24. one thousand and five hundred

25. seven hundred and thirty four

26. six forty-five/a quarter to seven

27. seven thirty/half past eight

28. nine fifteen/a quarter past nine

29. eleven twenty five/eleven past twenty five

30. ten forty

maaf klo ad yg salah

16. This text i fer unter 27-29Text +I spent my day at home for the last fourweeks I didn't go anywhere because of thecorona outbreak. I spent my time for onlinestudyingBut for relaxation, I sometimes movedto front of television or played online gamewith my brother and my father, My motherbought me new mobile phone. She said thatit was better to play online game than playoutside the house.Text 2In Indonesia, the first case of Covid-19reported on March 2, 2020. After WHOdeclaring Covid-19 a pandemic, all theactivities such as working and studying weredone in homes.The President also issued regulationsregarding the pandemic, GovermentRegulation No. 21/2020 was issued toregulate the large-scale social restrictions orPSBB and was implemented in coordinationand collaboration with various parties, inaccordance with statutory provisions.27. What type of text are the both texts?A. Text 1 is a factual recount and text 2 is apersonal oneB. Text 1 is a personal recount and text 2 is afactual oneC. Text 1 is an imaginative recount and text 2 isa factual oneD. Text 1 is a personal recount and text 2 is animaginative one​


B. Text 1 is a personal recount and text 2 is a

factual one


I hope this helps

sorry if wrong

don't forget to follow

17. I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, c, or d ! 1. A: .... is your house?" B: "Go straight, ahead then turn left " a. What b. Who c. Where d. When 2. The bank is .... the police station. a. across from b. behind c. between d. beside 3. The opposite of west is .... a. east b. nort c. south d. southeast 4. We usually put the flover vase .... table. a. in b. on c. under d. behind 5. Arman is .... the wall. a. in front of b. beside c. under d. behind 6. A: "Whose bag is that?" B: "That bag belongs to Rangga. That is .... a. his b. hers c. yours d. theirs 7. Butcher is a person who sells .... a. fruits b. meat c. vegetables d. clothes 8. A : “How much does the doll cost?” B : It .... fifty five thousand rupiahs. a. cost b. costed c. costs d. costing 9. Nina is 142 cm, Vivi is 150 cm, Diandra is 160 cm, Risti is 138 cm. The tallest girl is .... a. Nina b. Vivi c. Diandra d. Risti 10. The king lives in a .... a. kingdom b. hospital c. temple d. hotel 11. .... The baby is sleeping. a. Don't make noise b. Be happy c. Be careful! d. Be diligent Dialogue for number 12 and 13 Susi : "Where do you want to go?" Meila : I want to go to the fruit stall." Susi : "What do you want to buy there?" Meila : I want to buy apples there." 12. Meila wants to go to the .... a. mall b. butcer c. fruit stall d. greengrocer 13. Meila wants to buy .... a. apples b. oranges c. pineapples d. grapes 14. Amelia has a new bag. The bag is .... a. her b. hers c. him d. yours 14. My brother has a .... nose. a. pointed b. chubby c. long d. fat 15. The salt is 5 kg. The sugar is 3 kg. The salt is .... than the sugar. a. smaller b. longer c. lighter d. heavier 16. I usually go fishing in the .... a. market b. field c. river d. museum 17. Angga is fat, but his brother is .... a. big b. small c. long d. thin 19. The park is behind the school. The antonym of behind is .... a. in front of b. between c. next to d. beside 20. You have a toy car. The toy car is .... a. you b. your C. yours d. you are 21. I have a new pencil. The pencil is .... a. my b. yours c. mine d. ours 22. We have balls. The balls are .... a. theirs b. yours c. ours d. him Dialogue for number 23 and 24 Indah : ‘Whose pencil case is that?” Silvi : “That is Irma’s pencil case. The pencil case is hers”. Indah : “What is the color of it?” Silvi : “ The color of the pencil case is pink.” 23. The pencil case belongs to .... a. Indah b. Silvi c. Irma d. Indah and Silvi 24. The color of the pencil case is .... a. red b. green c. blue d. pink 25. I have a new eraser. It is .... eraser. a. me b. my c. mine d. your 26. Once upon time, .... a good hero. a. there was b. there is c. there were d. there are 27. The daughter of the king is .... a. queen b. prince c. emperor d. princess 28. The legend of Prambanan temple is from .... a. East Java b. Central Java c. West Java d. Jakarta 29. Majapahit was a... long time ago. a. district b. village c. kingdom d. country 30. A: "What can we learn from the story of Malin Kundang?" B. "We have to be good to our .... ." a. teachers b. parents c. friends d. headmasters







saya cuman membantu sampai situ saja kalau salah saya minta maaf


1. c

2. "tergantung lokasi bank"

3. a

4. b

5. d

6. a

7. b

8. a

9. c

10. a

11. a

12. c

13. a

14. a

14. c

15. d

16. c

17. d

19. a

20. b

21. c

22. c

23. c

24. d

25. b

26. b

27. d

28. d

29. c

30. b


butcher itu tukang daging

18. 17 What should you prepare to cut the flannel?a knileb. Pencil18. That isa. DiningA refrigeratora. There isb. There arethree chairsa. This is21. We use this room toa. Clean our bodyC SCISSOTd. Glueroom19b. kitchenc bathroomd living room20c. This isd. That isb. There isc. That isd there areГТdyardd picturesd. a spoond bedroomb. Take a rest while we feel tiredc. Gather together with familyd. Prepare some food22. If our body is dirty, we wash ourselves in the2 Bedroomb. bathroomc. living room23. There isa. Chairsb. a televisionc. tables24 There area. Two bowlsb a lampc. a picture25. Romi is sleeping in thea Bathroomb. kitchenc. dining room26. There four glasses on the table.b. wereIS27. My mother is cooking in thea Bathroomb. KitchenCaining room28. Gado gado is from Betawia Traditional drink b. traditional food c. modern drink29 Below are not ingredients of gado gado excepta Cavoteb Chavote30. I am happy that arrived Bali TimeOn inbin onc. under above31 If the instruction is clear, you can saya. I am following youd ared bedroomd modern foodClotted latted. above, under32 What should you do before draw a rectangle on both the Batik clothe and flannel for ondelmohon dibantu ya kak soalnya besok dikumpulkan​


17. a. knife

22. b. bathroom

28. b. tradisional food


17. A.knife (bukan knile sepertinya typo) = artinya pisau

18.  pertanyaan tidak jelas maaf tidak bisa jawab

21. A. Clean our body

19. nggk jelas pertanyaannya

20. nggk jelas pertanyaannya

22.  B. Bathroom

23. Nggk jelas pertanyaannya


pertanyaannya banyak dan kurang jelas sepertinya ada petunjuk gambar pada pertanyaannya. coba ditanya ulang 1 persatu lengkap dengan gambar


19. 5.You can sit __________ that chair. Nobody is sitting there.in front ofonaboveunder6. It’s dark where the road goes __________ a railway bridge.onbehindunderin front of7.Those students are…friendlychillyfashionableintelligent8.The mathematics was very....difficultwasveryMathematics9.What is the month before May?JuneJulyMarchApril10.Today is Thursday. Yesterday was . . .MondaySundayFridayWednesday11.Handy : . . . do you usually go to School?Fazel : I usually fo to school at 06.45.What doesWhat timeWhat isWhere are12. We usually cook in the . . .living roomguest roomdinning roomkitchen13.This exam is important. You must …studiedstudiesstudystudying14.Mr. Agus: Who can answer the question?Lorinda: What is your question, Sir?Mr. Agus: … I’ll read the question once more.Stundents: Yes, sir.Listen carefully!Write your name!Open your book!Look at me!15.… does his face look pale? because he is sick.WhyHowWhatWhere16.… is going to pick you up tomorrow morning?WhoWhatWhenHow17.Bentuk Plural dari Singular nya sheep?sheepssheppzsheepsheepes18.My mother has five....childschildrenchildchildrens19.The dress code for today is smart casuals so I _______ a black t-shirtam wearam wearingam woream wears20.Mum is ______ vegetables and dad is ______ televisioncutting – seingcuting – wachingcutting – watchingcutting – seen21.I have a best friend. Her name is Mona. She is a very fat person. She eats everything in front of her. Her weight is 95 kilograms. She has round face with a very chubby cheeks. Her eyes are round and blue. She has short curly blonde hair. She is very funny. Her family and friends like her very much.What is Mona's hobby?readingdrawingeatingCycling22.I have a best friend. Her name is Mona. She is a very fat person. She eats everything in front of her. Her weight is 95 kilograms. She has round face with a very chubby cheeks. Her eyes are round and blue. She has short curly blonde hair. She is very funny. Her family and friends like her very much.She has a very .....chubby cheekslong hairlong chinbig nose23.This giraffe is the tallest animal, I saw in Ragunan zoo. It is a male. It is about six meter tall. It has big brown eyes. It has brown spots on its skin. It also has two short horns on its head. Its tail is long with thick hair on the top of the tail. It likes eating leaves of tree.The purpose of the text above is….to describe about giraffeto tell about tall animalto describe Ragunan zooto tell about tall animals24.This giraffe is the tallest animal, I saw in Ragunan zoo. It is a male. It is about six meter tall. It has big brown eyes. It has brown spots on its skin. It also has two short horns on its head. Its tail is long with thick hair on the top of the tail. It likes eating leaves of tree.“Its tail is long with thick hair…” The antonym of the word “long” is….beautystrongshortthinOption 225.The Suramadu Bridge (Indonesian: JembatanSuramadu), also known as the Surabaya–Madura Bridge, is a bridge with three cable-stayed sections constructed between Surabaya on the island of Java and the town of Bangkalan on the island of Madura in IndonesiA. Opened on June 10, 2009, the 5.4-km bridge is the longest in Indonesia and the first bridge to cross the Madura Strait.What Province is Suramadu bridge built that opened on June 2009 ?Central JavaWest JavaEast JavaYogyakarta26.The Suramadu Bridge (Indonesian: JembatanSuramadu), also known as the Surabaya–Madura Bridge, is a bridge with three cable-stayed sections constructed between Surabaya on the island of Java and the town of Bangkalan on the island of Madura in IndonesiA. Opened on June 10, 2009, the 5.4-km bridge is the longest in Indonesia and the first bridge to cross the Madura Strait.Is the Suramadu bridge the longest in Indonesia ?No, It is notNo, It does notYes, it isYes, It doesOption 527.AnnouncementThis Thursday is August 17th, the Independence day .Don't miss the Independence Day festival!The festival begins at 08.00 in every district In Jakarta.Gather in front of our school at 07.30 to see the parade with the principal.Don't miss it! And Join many contests at school.Free registration, full of prizes! What does the text tell about?Drum band festivalGathering in schoolIndependence day festivalSchool contest​


5. On

6. under

7.  friendly




11. What time


13. Study

14.Listen carefully!

15. Why

16. Who

17. sheep


19. am wearing

20cutting - watching

21. eating

22. chubby cheeks

23. to describe about giraffe

24. short

25. East Java

26. Yes it is

27 Independence day festival


no 5. menyebutkan soal duduk harus dimana , duduk harus diatas pakai on bukan above karena on , in dan the adalah preposisi atau kata depan  yang dipakai buat benda seperti kursi dll.

no 6. menjelaskan soal under atau dibawah, menunjukkan jawaban dari kenapa jalannya jadi gelap. dark where the road goes , jalannya jadi gelap karena ada di bawah jembatan atau jalan kereta api.

no 7. students artinya banyak murid  jadi diikuti dengan adjective atau kata sifat, friendly yang artinya ramah atau bersahabat.

no 8.  jawabannya difficult, atau sulit

no9. April, bulan sebelum May .

no 10. Hari sebelum hari selasa ,  yaitu senin

no 11. what time,  menanyakan jam berapa ?

no 12.kitchen, memasak biasanya di dapur

no 13. study, harus belajar. pake kata kerja satu karena perintah.

no 14. Memberi kalimat perintah akan diulang lagi jadi pakai listen carefully,

no 15. Why, menanyakan kenapa pakai why.

no 16.Who , menanyakan siapa yang akan menjemput

no17. tetap sheep  . sheep termasuk uncountable nouns jadi tetap.

no18. children sama dengan sheep kata tak terhingga jadi tidak di tambah s.

no 19. am wearing, tobe ditambah kata kerja ing, selalu begini rumusnya

no20. cutting : memotong , watching : menonton

no 21. hobi mona makan , eating karena berat badannya 95

no22. chubby cheeks, ada di bacaan dia punya pipi yang bulat.

no 23. describe about giraffe. bercerita tentang jerapah

no 24. lawan kata dari long atau panjang adalah pendek short

no 25. dibangun di Jawa timur , east java

no 26. menjawab pertanyaan yes it is. sesuai pertanyaan

no 27. pengumuman berisi soal festival hari kemerdekaan , independence day festival.

20. s will get prizes if they are lucky!SMA Negeri 20 JakartaJl Pahlawan No. 45B an invitation lettera noticeDa posterE a memois for questions 21 and 22.Jalan Mampang Selatan No. 12JakartaNovember 20, 2014No. 59To: Bima Dwi Putra, Class XIBYou are invited to the OSIS regular meeting thatwill be heldday date Tuesday, November 28, 2014time 2pm-3p.m.place the OSIS meeting roomagenda preparation for Young ScientistCompetition 2016Please come on time!27. What is the text about?A An invitation to dump garbageB Information about how to live harmAn invitation to save the earthD. Information about pollutantsAn appeal to clean living28. "REDUCE the use of CHEMICAL matyWhat is the similar meaning of reduceA DecreaseB DetermineDivergeD EnlightenE. Increasemuch for the present. I'm veryuch a surprise gift from you.Secretary,Siti Hanifahr thought that you stillce we last met in 2012. In fact,addest day in my life, becauseyou. Since that day, I haved like you. I wish you good luck!mank you so much. I hope wenion party next year.ow. Write to me soon.23. Why does Siti Hanifah invite Bima Dwi Putra?A. He is the OSIS secretaryB. He is one of the OSIS committee members.C. He is a smart student form SMA Negeri 20JakartaD. He is one of the teachers in SMA Negeri 20Jakarta.E. He is a contestant for Young ScientistCompetition 2015.24. How long will the meeting last?A For half an hour.B For an hour.C. For one and half hours.D. For two hoursE. For more than two hours25. "Please come on time!"What is the opposite meaning of 'on time'?A. Late.B. DefiniteC. More thanD. Punctual.En markThe following dialog is for questions 2Joko Would you and your husband likeover for dinner tonight?Yeni : Thank you, I'd love to Would youbring something?Joko. No, nothing, just yourselfYeni OK What time?Joko. Al 7 p.m.Yeni OK, 50e you thenAdopted from Kementerian Pendidikan dan KeBahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK KeJakarta, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebuday29. What is the dialog about?A An invitation to attend a partyB. An invitation to have dinnerC. A question about a dinner paD. An opinion about having a pE Information about a dinner30. When will Joko and Yeni meet?er to Farida becausemeet Faridaesent from Faridamet since 2012talk about a reunion partyFarida a lot​


23. B

24. B

25. A

26. B

27. C

28. A

29. B