What Is The Area Of The Figure Below

What is the area of the figure below? The area of a figure is the measure of the amount of space inside it. It is calculated by multiplying the length of the figure by its width. To find the area of the figure below, we will need to measure the length and width of the figure and then multiply those two measurements together.

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Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. what is the area of the figure?​

L = ((1,5 + 2,5 + 1,5) × 5) - 2 × (2,5 × 3,5 ÷ 2)

L = (5,5 × 5) - 8,75

L = 27,5 - 8,75

L = 18,75cm²

2. What is the area of the figure?



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

jawaban ada di gambar, semoga membantu

3. A figure is made up of a rectangle and a semicircle as shown in the diagram below. what is the area of the figure?


Area itu bahasa inggris dari Luas, maka

Area of square = S x S

= 7 x 7

= 49 cm²

Radius = Diameter / 2

= 7 / 2

= 3.5 cm

Area of [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] circle = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] x [tex]\pi[/tex] x r²

= [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] x [tex]\frac{22}{7}[/tex] x 3.5²

= 19.25 cm²

Are of the figure = 49 + 19.25 = 68.25 cm²


phi [tex](\pi )[/tex] untuk [tex]\frac{22}{7}[/tex] digunakan apabila jari-jari/radius berkelipatan 7, sedangkan

phi untuk 3.14 digunakan apabila jari-jari/radius tidak berkelipatan 7

4. 17.The figure shows a picture mounted on cardboard.What is the shaded area of the cardboard?​

Area of the cardboard =

[tex]18 \times 10 = 180 { \: cm}^{2} [/tex]

Area of the picture =

[tex](18 - 2 - 2) \times (10 - 2 - 2) = \\ 14 \times 6 = 84 { \: cm}^{2} [/tex]

Shaded area of the cardboard =

[tex]180 - 84 = 96 { \: cm}^{2} [/tex]

5. in the figure below BD=DE find the area of the shaded part​


1,728 cm²

Explanation with steps:

BD = DE = 1/2 x 96 cm = 48 cm

area of the shaded part​ = area of ABC - area of ADC

area of ABC

= 0.5 x AC x BE

= 0.5 x 72 cm x 96 cm

= 3,456 cm²

area of ADC

= 0.5 x AC x DE

= 0.5 x 72 cm x 48 cm

= 1,728 cm²

so the area of the shaded part is

= 3,456 cm² - 1,728 cm²

= 1,728 cm²

6. Look at the figure belowWhat is its area?5 cm8 cm​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

maaf banget kalau salah

7. what is the area of the rectangle shown below? ​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

The area= luas yaa

okee berarti sangat gampang kpk!

Luas persegi panjang= lebar x panjang

maka panjang= 5 3/4 =23/4 cm dan lebar=3 cm

L= pxl

= 23/4 x 3


=17 1/4 cm atau 17,25 cm

8. What is the area of the triangle shown below

a = 5

b = 5

c = 8


= a + b + c

= 5 + 5 + 8

= 18

s = 1/2 x keliling

s = 1/2 x 18

s = 9


= √(s(s - a)(s - b)(s - c))

= √(9(9 - 5)(9 - 5)(9 - 8))

= √(9 x 4 x 4 x 1)

= √144

= 12 satuan luas

9. Look at the picture below. If the side of a small square is 2 cm, then what is the area of the figure?

2² x { L (1+2) + L (3+4) + L5 + L6 + L7

= 4 x { 3 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 6 }

= 4 x { 18 }

= 72 cm² ✔️

The area of the figure is 72 cm².


Did you know? Area triangle = ½ x base x height

where the base is perpendicular to the height.


10. the scale of the figure below is 1 : 200.the actual area of the figure is....maaf kalau gak ada gambar kotak aku kasih tau panjang dan lebarnya : 7 cm dan 5 cm​

7 cm : [tex]\frac{1}{200}[/tex] = 7 x 200 cm = 14 dm

5 cm : [tex]\frac{1}{200}[/tex] = 7 x 200 cm = 10 dm

area : 14 dm x 10 dm = 140 dm2

11. What is the area of the right triangle shown below



Penjelasanya :

(theorema phytagoras) a=[tex]\sqrt{b^{2} -c^{2} }[/tex]

a= 17[tex]\sqrt{17^{2}-8^{2} } = \sqrt{289-64}[/tex]

a=[tex]\sqrt{225} =[/tex]15

(the area of the right triangle) :

1/2 x a x h

1/2 x 8 x 15

= 60

ur welcome:)

12. Find the area of the shaded part in the figure below

4. Area = 49.2075 m²
5. Area = 63.25 m²


Number 4

The area of that figure equals to the area of the square minus the area of the semicircle.

The length of each side: s = 9 mRadius of semicircle: r = ½s

A = s² –  ½Ï€r²
⇔ A = s² – ½Ï€(½s)²
⇔ A = s² – ½(¼Ï€s²)
⇔ A = s² – (1/8)Ï€s²
⇔ A = s²[1 – (1/8)Ï€]
⇔ A = 9²[1 – (1/8)×3.14]
⇔ A = 81(1 – 0.3925)
⇔ A = 81(0.6075)
A = 49.2075 m²

Number 5

The area of that figure equals to the sum of the area of the right-angled triangle and the area of the semicircle.

Base of triangle: b = 8 mHeight of triangle: h = 6 mRadius of semicircle: r = (½×10) m = 5 m

A = ½bh + ½Ï€r²
⇔ A = ½(bh + Ï€r²)
⇔ A = ½(8×6 + 3.14×5²)
⇔ A = ½(48 + 3.14×25)
⇔ A = ½(48 + 78.5)
⇔ A = ½(126.5)
A = 63.25 m²


4. Area = 49.2075 m²
5. Area = 63.25 m²

13. in the figure below BD=DE find the area of the shaded part​



Solutions that match the question!

Solution :

The area of the large triangle minus the area of the small triangle.

BD = DE = 1/2 BE = 1/2 96 = 48 cm

Area 1

= 1/2 × 72 × 96

= 72 × 48

= 3.456 cm²

Area 2

= 1/2 × 72 × 48

= 72 × 24

= 1.728 cm²


Area of the shaded part :

= Area 1 - Area 2

= 3.456 - 1.728

= 1.728 cm²

[tex]{ \green{ \boxed{ \boxed{ \sf{ {Answer \: by : AdhidMagelang}}}}}}[/tex]

14. The figure is made up of a square and trapezium. The perimeter of the figure is 60 cm. Find the area of the figure. Use the steps.​


The area of the figure is 188 cm².

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Form that figure, we know that A and C are both squares. Therefore, the length of the rightmost side of the figure is 8 cm.

Let s be the length of C’s sides.

Given that the perimeter of the figure is 60 cm, we can get:

(14 + 2×8 + 3s) cm = 60 cm

⇔ 14 + 16 + 3s = 60

⇔ 30 + 3s = 60

⇔ 3s = 60 – 30

⇔ 3s = 30

⇔ s = 30/3

s = 10 cm

Let A be the area of the figure, we can find:

A = the sum of all areas

⇔ A = area of square A + area of trapezium

⇔ A = s² + ½(base+top)×height

⇔ A = 10² + ½(14+8)×8

⇔ A = 100 + 11×8

⇔ A = 100 + 88

A = 188 cm²


∴  The area of the figure is 188 cm².

15. in the figure below,the value of x is.... cm

6 / 18 = x / x + 16
18x = 6x + 96
18x - 6x = 96
12x = 96
x = 96/12
x = 8

16. Find the perimeter and area of the composite figure below. BANTU PLISSS

perimeter = π x d + 12 + 12

perimeter = 3,14 x 12 + 12 + 12

perimeter = 37,68 + 24

perimeter = 61,68

Area = 12 x 12 - π x r x r

Area = 144 - 3,14 x 6 x 6

Area = 144 - 113,04

Area = 30,96

17. The area of the figure below is . .maaf salah pelajaran kepencet




maap kalo salah awokawok

18. the figure below is made up of a rectangle and a square. the ratio of the area of the square to area of the rectangle is 2:5. if 0.25 of the square is shaded, what fraction of the figure is unshaded?

gambar dibawah ini dibuat dari sebuah persegi panjang dan sebuah persegi. perbandingan daerah persegi dibandingkan dengan persegi panjang adalah 2:5 jika 0,25 dari persegi tersebut diarsir. berapa bagian dari gambar yang tidak diarsir?

19. The figure is not drawn to scale. What is the shaded area?

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

triangle 1

= 1/2 x a x t

= 1/2 x 10 x 12

= 60 cm2

triangle 2

= 1/2 x a x t

= 1/2 x 8 x 10

= 40 cm2

triangle 1 - triangle 2

= 60 cm2 - 40 cm2

= 20 cm2

20. In the figure below, the two triangles are similar. What is the value of x? *

5 : 6 = 11 : x

5x = 66

x = 66 : 5

x = 13,2