Martin Puts Two Bowls Of Fruit

Martin Puts Two Bowls Of Fruit

Martin Puts Two Bowls of Fruit is a popular problem-solving activity that teaches children how to think critically and use their problem-solving skills. The activity involves two bowls of fruit, each containing different types of fruit. The goal is for the students to divide the fruit between the two bowls in such a way that each bowl has equal amounts of each type of fruit.


The activity begins with the teacher providing instructions to the students. The teacher should explain that the goal is to divide the fruit between the two bowls in such a way that each bowl has the same number of each type of fruit. The teacher should also explain that the students can work together to solve the problem.

Problem-Solving Steps

The next step is for the students to brainstorm possible solutions to the problem. This can involve discussing different approaches, such as counting the number of each type of fruit and dividing them into equal amounts. The students can also use trial and error to determine the best solution.
Once the students have come up with a solution, the teacher should ask them to explain their reasoning and discuss the final solution. This activity is a great way to encourage students to think critically and use their problem-solving skills. Additionally, it can be a fun and engaging way to help children learn how to work together to solve problems.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. Two liters of ice cream is divided equally into nine bowls. Calculate, to the nearest milliliter, how much ice cream is in two bowls.

444,444 ml

because :

2 liters are 2000 ml

2000 ml : 9 bowls = 222,222ml

222,222ml × 2 bowls = 444,444ml

2. -she has eaten two bowls of meatball-she is still hungrya.andb.butc.or

b. But
she has eaten two bowls of meatball but she is still hungryjawaban nya ialah
b. but

3. give two example the name of fruit with the meaning​





give two example the name of fruit with the meaning


Beri dua contoh nama buah yang artinya




4. Mrs Bella : "Good evening......You give us onebowl of fruit salad, two plates of fried rice, andtwo glasses of orange juicespliss di jawab​




yang titik-titik nya kan kak?





5. arti dari there are apples,pears,a pineapple,bananas,oranges and a bunch of grapes in each basket.we buy two baskets of fruit.

ada apel, pir, nanas, pisang, jeruk dan sekelompok
anggur di masing-masing keranjang.
kita membeli dua keranjang buah

semoga membantu ^^Disana ada apel, pear, nanas, pisang, jeruk dan setangkai anggur di setiap keranjang.
kita membeli 2 keranjang buah.

Semoga membantu

6. Daniel has 12 mangosteens, 30 apples and 18 mangoes. He puts an equal number of each type of fruits into each basket. What is the maximum number of fruit baskets that can be prepared?​


topik FPB

find GCF (greatest common factor)

12= 2²x3

18= 2x3²



GCF= 6

so, the maximum number of baskets is 6.

happy learning


7. how many bowls of porridge did goldilocks taste

Berapa banyak mangkuk berisi bubur yang Goldilock makan?

8. 1.My sister _______ to the fruit stall.2.She ________ different kinds of fruit.3.She _______ sure that there are different colours of fruit.4.She _______ up the fruit into small pieces5.She ________ some syrup over the fruit.6.She also______ a few drops of lemon juice.7.She ________ the fruit well in a big bowl8.She ________ the fruit salad in little bowls


9. Six people want bowls of soup. If only 4 5/6 bowls of soup are available, how much soup will each person get?


Six= 6

4 ⅚ ÷ 6 = 29/6 x 1/6 = 29/36



10. we... two bowls of meatball.the correct answer to complete the statement isa.isb.hasc.ared.have​


c are


because is we if is we so it is need to be are because are for many people

Jawaban :

C. Are


11. A chef divided 24 kg of mashed potatoes equally into some bowls. There was 3/5 kg of mashed potatoes in each bowl. How many bowls were there? A.40 bowls B.35 bowls C.30 bowls D.25 bowls


40 bowls

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

24 : 3/5

= 24 x 5/3

= 120/3

= 40

12. Basket of fruit Sachet of shampoo

Basket of fruit
sekeranjang buah
Sachet of shampoo
sebungkus sampo

Basket of fruit = sekeranjang buah
Sachet of shampo = satu shampo
maaf jika salah

13. I eat three bowls of rice. ubah ke bentuk kalimat pasif


Three bowls of rice is eaten by me.


i eaten three bowls of rice everyday


mian kalo salah

14. Susunlah kalima dibawah ini dengan benar Are-potted fruit trees-my house-there-two-in front of


in front of my house there are potted fruit trees


maaf kalau salah

15. meaning of snake fruit?

Arti Buah Ular Adalah " Salak "
Meaning Of Snake Fruit Is " Bark " 
the meaning of snake fruit is buah salak. 

16. my mother has twentyseven plates.thirty spoons and fifteen fork.she puts them on the table beside that,my mother has sixtyfive bowls two ladles,twese cups and one teapots

ibuku memiliki 20piring.30 sendok dan 15 garpu.dia menempatkan mereka di atas meja di samping itu,ibuku memiliki 64 mangkuk 2 ladle,dua cangkir dan satu teko

17. Please write two exprePlease write two expressions of like?Do you know hanana fruit? Please give three des​


- the banana tastes sweet and soft.

- i like to eat bananas.

#SemogaMembantu kaka :))

18. A bag contains six fruit candies and two licorice candies. What percentage of the candies are licorice flavored?


Fruit candies = 6 buah

Licorice candies = 2 buah

Jumlah semua candies = 6 + 2 = 8 buah

Maka pesentase dari licorice candies :

=> 2/8 × 100

=> 200/8


Semoga membantu.....

19. Six people want bowls of soup tromly bowls of soup are wailable how much soup will each person get? Tolong pakai cara


ini B. inggris


20. 10. There are ... on the table.a. two booksb. four platesc. three tablesd. two bowls of porridge​


a. two books

karena di gambar tidak ada piring, 3meja, dan semangkok bubur_-